Multiple structural alignments of GAGase II and its structurally similar proteins.
GAGase II (8KHV, blue) was aligned with structurally identified GAGs and alginate lyases, including PL17 family alginate lyase (4NEI, purple), PL39 family alginate lyase (6JP4, olive), PL15 family alginate lyase (3A0O, red), PL12 family heparinase III (4MMH, salmon), PL15 family exoHep (6LJA, gray), PL21 family heparinase II (2FUQ, magenta), PL8 family chondroitin sulfate AC lyase II (1RWA, green), PL23 family chondroitinase (3VSM, yellow) and PL8 family chondroitin sulfate ABC lyase II (2Q1F, pink). The detailed views of the crucial active site residues are shown in stick mode. The root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) between these structures and GAGase II were calculated as 1.342, 1.344, 1.299, 1.242, 1.145, 1.352, 1.235, 1.138 and 1.405 Å based on 171, 148, 141, 111, 99, 87, 60, 22 and 21 pruned atoms, respectively.