RNAs interacting with functional genomic regions genome wide. a) Heatmap showing overlap between RAHs (n=25,333) and various genomic features (transcription factor binding sites, histone modifications, chromatin accessibility). Rows represent individual RAHs, columns represent genomic features. Color intensity indicates degree of overlap. Tracks below show feature type, proportion of RAHs overlapping each feature, and proportion of feature peaks overlapping RAHs. Right-side tracks display a number of features overlapping each RAH, genomic location, and CpG content. b) Proportion of DNA end peaks explained by chromatin accessibility (AC), transcription factor binding (TF), and histone modifications (HIST) in control, RNase, and RNase RAH conditions. c) Distribution of RAHs across different genomic features. d) Comparison of genomic feature composition between RAHs, transcription factor binding sites, and background genomic regions. e) Nuclear Dam-LaminB1 signals in RAHs with (blue) and without known functional annotations (purple). f) Proportion of RAHs overlapping with repeat elements (RE) and their distribution across RE categories. g) Top 5 repeat element species showing highest fold-change enrichment in RAHs compared to genome-wide RepeatMasker proportions.