Comparison between our theory and experimental data from mammalian cells. (a) Parameter fit of the best of the four models (constant curvature model, constant area model, Model(1,1), Model(1,2)) to obtain the minimum error ϵ. Fitting procedure of Model(1,1) and Model(1,2) consider the total free energy Etot = Eb + Et + Ea + Ec, while the fitting of the constant area model and the constant curvature model consider Etot = Eb + Et. The optimized parameters are ā0 ∈ [0, 10] for the constant area model, for the constant curvature model, and for model(m,n), and L0 ∈ [10nm, 100nm] within an interval of 10nm in the four models. We only assign fitting errora to the parameter sets that lead to vesiculation and only plot the error figure for the best L0. (b) Vesiculation pathways with minimum fitting error in the four models. In each model, we use the best L0 value from (a) to obtain the dimensional scale of the (a0, c0) phase space. (c) Comparison of model fits and experimental data for three geometric features: neck width, tip radius (Rt) and invagination depth. Neck width is calculated as the distance between the left and right parts of the shape for Ψmax = 90°, and the invagination depth is measured as the height from the base to the tip of the invagination. (d) Comparison between the model-predicted shapes and the experimental shapes. Experimental membrane shapes for mammalian cells are grouped according to their maximum angle as a proxy for the different stages of CME. The number of experimental shapes falling in a certain Ψmax range is defined as n. The black lines are the average experimental shapes after symmetrization. The model-predicted shapes are calculated by the midpoint value of each Ψmax interval. (c,d) The curves predicted by theory are shown with colored lines, and experimental data is shown with gray dots and black lines. Parameters with a bar over them are non-dimensionalized. The detailed procedure to treat the experimental data can be found in Appendix 3.