Contributions of mGluR2/3, AMPAR, and mGluR1 to responses evoked by smooth pursuit-like input.
a. Instantaneous firing rates of two representative UBCs in response to 20 stimuli at 100 spk/s bursts (left), and smooth pursuit-like MF input (right) as indicated by the traces at the top (green). Responses shown under baseline conditions and after successive addition of antagonists of mGluR2/3, AMPAR, and mGluR1. Dashed gray lines indicate 0 spk/s; cell numbers refer to the index in the summary plot c.
b. The same as in a but on an expanded timescale, displaying only the 60 spk/s step. Dotted red lines indicate onset and offset of the 60 spk/s step.
c. Heat maps showing the normalized instantaneous firing rates for all UBCs in response 20 stimuli at 100 spk/s bursts (left) and smooth pursuit-like MF input (right), for baseline and after addition of glutamate receptor antagonists (rows). Responses normalized per cell separately for burst and smooth pursuit-like MF input to the respective peak firing rates with mGluR2/3 blocked. Cells sorted by their response to the baseline 20 stimuli at 100 spk/s input, either by the half-width of the increase in firing (cell #1-9) or by the pause duration (cell #10-11). Dotted red lines indicate the start of the step changes in input rate, red arrows indicate representative UBCs shown in a,b.
d. The same as in c but on an expanded timescale, displaying only the 60 spk/s step.
e. Summary plots of the number of evoked spikes in the 1 s period during the step and the 3 s period follow it for all UBCs color coded to correspond to the cell index in c. Successive different markers indicate baseline and the different glutamate antagonists, and separate plots for the different step changes in input.
f. Violin plots of the number of spikes in the 1 s period during the step and the 3 s period after under baseline conditions (-) and after blocking mGluR2/3 (+), normalized per cell to the number of spikes associated with the step to 60 spk/s under baseline conditions. Markers indicate individual UBCs color coded by the cell index in c. (*p<0.01, Wilcoxon signed rank test).
g. Violin plots of the percentage of the number of spikes evoked by MF stimulation that was mediated by AMPARs, estimated from the effect of blocking AMPARs on the response. Markers indicate individual UBCs color coded by the cell index in d. Responses smaller than 5 spikes not shown.
h. As in g but for the component mediated by mGluR1.