Figures and data

Map of Australia identifying the location (name of the population) of the study site.

Betweenness (log) and degree measures at the individual level for each population and by sex, where green represent males and red represents females.

Differences between sex and network measures using Wilcoxon rank-sum test for direct and indirect contact.

Node-level measures (5m threshold), including betweenness, centrality, degree, log(betweenness) and strength by sex for a) direct network and b) indirect network.

Home range overlap per dyad for each season.

Association between the mean contact rate within sounders, between sounders and overall and the distinct types of contacts (female-female, male-male, female-male) and seasons (autumn, spring, summer, winter), for direct and indirect contact calculated with 5 metres threshold.

Distribution of the estimates and the effect of dyad sex and season in the contact rate a) during direct contact and b) for indirect contact. References are female-female for the sex of the dyad and autumn for the season.

Diagram of direct and indirect mean contact rate for each season for dyads between sounders and within sounders per year and population