Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals region-specific transcriptional programs activated by SHH signaling.
(A) Maximum-intensity projections of the midbrain and anterior hindbrain regions of the cranial neural plate of 5-somite mouse embryos treated with vehicle control (left) or with 2 µM Smoothened Agonist (SAG) stained for FOXA2 and NKX6-1. SAG-treated embryos display an expanded floor plate region. Bars, 100 μm. (B and C) UMAP projections of 1,619 and 1,409 cranial neural plate cells from control and SAG-treated embryos at E8.5, respectively, colored by treatment (B) or anterior-posterior domain (C). (D-J) Heatmaps showing the normalized expression of candidate SHH target genes that were upregulated or downregulated throughout the cranial neural plate (D) or in the indicated region(s) (E-J) in SAG-treated embryos. Heatmaps show one gene per row, one cell per column, with the cells in each row grouped by control (green) or SAG treatment (orange), indicated at the top of each heatmap. Genes involved in SHH signaling (red) and genes assigned to medial (purple), lateral (blue), anterior-posterior (green), or other spatial clusters (orange) are indicated. Genes that had a MAST hurdle value >0.24 or <-0.24 and a false discovery rate adjusted p-value of p<0.001 in at least one region were indicated as differentially expressed in all regions in which p<0.001 and the MAST hurdle value was >0.10 or <-0.10.