Untypical neck linker of Kid can support processive movement of KIF1A
(A) Schematic representation illustrating the domain organization of KIF1A(1-393)LZ, XKid(1-495), KIF1A(1-350) and a chimera protein KIF1AMD-XKidSt. Note that KIF1A(1-393)LZ and XKid(1-495) are processive motors and KIF1A(1-350) is a non-processive motor. Cyan, motor domain of KIF1A; Orange, motor domain of Kid; Magenta, neck linker.
(B) Amino acid sequences of the neck linker region. KIF1A, XKid, hKid, KIF5C and KIF1AMD-XKidSt are shown. Cyan, motor domain of KIF1A and KIF5C; Orange, motor domain of Kid; Magenta, neck linker; Green, neck coiled-coil domain.
(C) Representative SDS-PAGE analysis of purified KIF1AMD-XKidSt fusion protein. The protein is visualized using a Stain-Free gel. The molecular weight standards are indicated on the right side of the SDS-PAGE image.
(D and E) Representative kymographs showing the motility of KIF1AMD-XKidSt and KIF1A(1-393)LZ in the presence of 2 mM ATP. Note that KIF1AMD-XKidSt exhibits diffusion-like fluctuations while they are moving. This phenomena is not observed in KIF1A(1-393)LZ. Scale bars: horizontal 10 µm; vertical 10 seconds.
(F) Dot plots showing the velocity of KIF1AMD-XKidSt and KIF1A(1-393)LZ. Each dot shows a single datum point. Green bars represent mean ± S.D.. ****, p < 0.0001, Unpaired t-test. n = 273 and 434 particles for KIF1AMD-XKidSt and KIF1A(1-393)LZ, respectively.
(G) Dot plots showing the run length of KIF1AMD-XKidSt and KIF1A(1-393)LZ. Each dot shows a single datum point. Green bars represent median value and interquartile range. ****, p < 0.0001, Mann-Whitney test. n = 273 and 434 particles for KIF1AMD-XKidSt and KIF1A(1-393)LZ, respectively.