Steady-state properties under a constant external osmolarity.
(A) Normalized growth rate vs. normalized internal osmotic pressure of different species under various culture media. The experiment data (scatter markers) are fitted by our theoretical prediction Eq. (10b). The data of E. coli are from [19, 21, 22], the data of B. subtilis is from [23], and the data of S. cerevisiae is from our own experiments. (B) Growth curves of WT cells, mutant cells without osmoregulation (Ha = 0), and mutant cells without cell-wall synthesis regulation (Hcw = 0). The dotted line indicates the region where plasmolysis occurs for the mutant cells with Hcw = 0. (C) Mutant cells without cell-wall synthesis regulation cannot maintain a stable turgor pressure in a hypertonic environment, while WT cells can maintain a constant turgor pressure. The mutant cells reach plasmolysis at a threshold of external osmolarity. In (B) and (C), the parameters for WT cells are chosen as the values for S. pombe, and the mutant values are set such that they have the same growth rate as the WT cells in the reference medium (Table S2).