Examples illustrating stimulus waveforms and typical auditory-nerve responses.
Stimulus waveforms (A-D), peri-stimulus-time histograms (PSTHs, E-H), and average vector strength as a function of frequency (I-L). Columns 1 (A,E,I) and 2 (B,F,J) show data from a HSR fiber, columns 3 (C,G,K) and 4 (D,H,L) show data from a LSR fiber. Both fibers are from a young-adult, untreated animal and are matched in best frequency. The stimulus condition was f0=400 Hz and fc=1600 Hz. A and C show examples of the harmonic stimulus (Δf=0%, black) and its envelope (gray), B and D show examples of a strongly inharmonic stimulus (Δf=8%, red), its envelope (gray), and the harmonic stimulus (black) as a reference.The corresponding neural responses are displayed in the same colors in the second and third row, respectively. Arrow markers are added (A-D) to highlight the differences in fine structure between harmonic and inharmonic stimuli. The PSTHs (E-H) show the instantaneous spike rate, averaged across 40 repetitions of identical stimuli. Vector strength (I to L) is shown as a function of frequency, averaged across 40 stimulus presentations. The inset panels show enlarged examples of the spectra in the envelope frequency range (400 Hz) and the fine structure frequency range (800 Hz).