A-B: Barplot of enriched terms from gene ontology analysis of differentially expressed genes between E9.5 and E10.5 PGCs. C-D: Barplot of enriched terms from gene ontology analysis of differentially expressed genes between E9.5 and E11.5 PGCs. E: Visualization of random walks through CellRank transition matrix computed with diffusion pseudotime of 100 cells randomly selected from the E9.5 posterior sample stepping through 100 time steps. Black dots indicate starting positions, yellow dots indicate final positions, and lines between dots connect the positions of subsequent steps along the random walk, colored from violet (early) to orange (late). E-F: Visualization of random walks through CellRank transition matrix computed with experimental time of 100 cells randomly selected from the E9.5 timepoint stepping through 100 time steps. Black dots indicate starting positions, yellow dots indicate final positions, and lines between dots connect the positions of subsequent steps along the random walk, colored from violet (early) to orange (late). G. Violin plots of log-normalized expression levels of key genes of interest identified from mouse migratory PGC dataset in PGC, gonocyte, gonadal soma, and epithelial cell populations from Li et al. 2017 human dataset.