Bat behavioral traits over time.
Box plots depicting the bats’ behavior across the five trials according to three traits: Boldness (A), exploration (B), and activity levels (C). The experimental phase and the time in days from the day of the first trial are depicted on the X-axis. Box plots show the 25% and 75% percentile. Medians and whiskers based on 1.5 IQR are shown. The number of bats participating in each trial is given in the Methods, Table 8. In the baseline trials, no significant differences were found between the two treatment groups (enriched / impoverished) for any of the three behavioral traits we measured (P = 0.62, P = 0.84, P = 0.72 for boldness, exploration, and activity levels, respectively, n=40, Table S1). Figure S1 also shows the indicating. Results of baseline 2 performed one day after baseline 1 (indicating habituation to the setup).