In vivo fiber photometry in the mesolimbic dopamine system captures phasic dopamine responses to primary taste stimuli.
(A) Representative images of GRABDA_2h and Cre-dependent GCamp6f expression in the NAc and VTA, respectively. Top Row: Dopamine release recordings from the lateral subregion of the NAc shell are confirmed via viral expression of dopamine-sensor, GRABDA2h (green), probed against DAPI (blue) to visualize sensor location targeted to the lateral shell of the NAc (NAcLS), which borders the NAc core (NAcC). Bottom row: Dopamine cellular activity was recorded in TH Cre+ rats in the VTA (paranigral nucleus (PN), the parabrachial pigmented area; (PBP)). TH+ (red) colocalized with intracellular calcium-sensor, GCaMP6f (green) to demonstrate isolation of the VTADA population. (B) Real-time dopamine release in the NAc across processing steps from a representative rat receiving 5s 0.3M sucrose intraoral infusions (light green bars). Fluorescence excited by the 465nm (Ca2+- and GRABDA2h-dependent, green), and 405nm LED (Ca2+-independent, purple) was captured. 465 and 405nm traces were scaled and subtracted to remove motion artifacts and photobleaching (blue). Fluorescence was then normalized to the whole recording session and represented as a z-score (black). (C) Top: heat maps for NAc dopamine release for 30 trials/session in which 200µL of 0.3M sucrose (green) or 0.001M quinine (orange) was delivered over 5s. Bottom: Average dopamine release aligned to the onset of intraoral delivery. Dotted line represents onset of infusion and gray shading reflects infusion duration and time window for statistical analysis. Bottom inset: Average z-score during infusion period. (D) Relative frequency histogram of dopamine responses (mean z-score) to sucrose and quinine from every trial reported. (E) ROC of D determined a discriminable difference between dopamine responses. Dark lines and shading in C are represented as means; *p<0.05 in paired t-test.