Structure of the Ctf18 subunit.
a) Sequence of the human Ctf18 subunit, highlighting the secondary structural elements as assigned in the cryo-EM model. The atypical PCNA-interacting motif (PIP-box) and conserved DEXX box are boxed. Below the Ctf18 sequence to the left, the sequences of the N-terminus of human and other lower eukaryotes Ctf18, together with the secondary prediction by AlphaFold (42) are shown, highlighting the conservation of the β-hairpin fold. Below the Ctf18 sequence to the right, the alignment of the C-terminal region of human and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ctf18, which interacts with the Ctf8/Dcc1 subunits, is shown. Asterisks denote conserved residues. b) Superposition of the human Ctf18 and RFC1 (PDB: 6VVO (10)) subunit structures, with subdomains labeled. c) Structure of the Ctf18 subunit, in ribbon representation, within the CTF18−PCNA complex. The Ctf18 subdomains are colored-coded as in panel (a). The other complex subunits are shown as surfaces