Ablations reveal complementary roles of place code and barcode activity in memory recall.
A. Left, as in Figure 4C, bottom, but for the “Place Code Only” model (barcode-ablated), which has recurrent weights initalized with μ = 0, σ = 0. Right, same, but for the “Barcode Only” model (place-ablated). The barcode only model is the same as the full model, but place inputs are uncorrelated for nearby locations. B. Left, as in Figure 4D, bottom, but for the place code only model. Right, the same but for the barcode only model (for visual clarity, the matrix is downsampled to remove zero-value rows). The place code only model has similar outputs for recall from all current locations. The barcode only model has no place output for recall from most locations. C. As in Figure 4E, but showing the full model (solid line), the place code only model (dotted line), and the barcode only model (dashed line). For all models, s = 0. The place code only model is unable to discriminate between nearby caches. D. As in Figure 4F, with lines as in (C). For all models, s = 0.4. The barcode only model recalls successfully only when the current location contains a cache. Only the full model reliably recalls remote cache locations.