Bio-ID of Maurer’s cleft proteome and MSRP6 MAD interactome.
(A) Live cell images of P. falciparum 3D7 infected RBCs expressing the episomal BirA*-GFP fusion constructs schematically shown above the panels. Yellow bar, PEXEL (top, N-terminal 70 aa of REX3 (REX3trunc) fused to BirA* and GFP (host cell soluble control), middle, REX3trunc fused to MSRP6 parts c and d, BirA* and GFP (MAD-specific), bottom, N-terminal 260 aa of STEVOR fused to GFP and BirA* (general Maurer’s clefts control)). Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Scale bar 5 µm. (B) Western blots with parasite lysates of the 3 cell lines in (A) and 3D7 control probed with α-GFP (left) and Streptavidin (right). Two different exposures of the strepavidin probed blot are shown for STEVOR1-260-GFP-BirA* (low and high) for comparability to the REX3 samples. Asterisks, bands representing the respective fusion proteins. (C-E) Scatterplots of quantitative Bio-ID experiments (see Fig. S1 for all plots of all experiments and Table S1 for full data) identifying proteins significantly enriched or depleted in the MAD interactome compared to the host cell cytosolic proteome (C) or Maurer’s cleft proteome (D) or in the Maurer’s cleft proteome compared to the host cell cytosolic proteome (E). Normalized ratios were calculated for proteins identified by at least two peptides and normalized log2-ratios of replicate experiments were plotted. Intensity-based outlier statistics (two-sided Benjamini-Hochberg test) was applied to calculate FDR values and proteins enriched or depleted with an FDR below 5% in both replicates were labelled with a color-code reflecting the level of significance in the least significant experiment (<5% dark green, <1% light green, <0.5% blue, <0.1% purple, <5e-4 yellow, <1e- 4 orange, <5e-5 pink, <1e-5 red). Significant hits are numbered and gene-IDs or short unique names are given. Proteins encoded by multigene families (STEVORs, RIFINs, PfEMP1) that might differ in expression between the distinct cell lines and hence may show as false-positives, are marked with rhomboids with black frame. (F) A heatmap representation of all replicates each of REX3-MAD-over-STEVOR (MAD over unrelated Maurer’s cleft proteome), REX3-MAD-over-REX3 (MAD over host cell cytosolic proteome) and STEVOR-over-REX3 (Maurer’s cleft proteome over host cell cytosolic proteome) quantitative Bio-ID experiments (C-E and Fig. S3, see Table S1 for full data) for proteins enriched with an FDR <5% in at least 2 out of 4 replicate reactions. Proteins are ranked from high to low on the average normalized log2 ratio of the REX3-MAD-over-STEVOR comparison and color intensity portrays the normalized log2 ratio per experiment (red enriched, yellow neutral, blue depleted based on the 1-99 percentile of values for all identified proteins). Grey blocks are proteins not identified in an experiment or for which no ratio could be calculated due to a missing label. PlasmoDB gene identifiers, short names and protein product descriptions are listed. Yellow labelled proteins were selected for follow-up as putative MAD interactors, orange labelled proteins showed moderate to no enrichment as MAD interactors but were enrichment in the Maurer’s cleft proteome. Proteins encoded by clonally variant multigene families (likely false-positives) are labelled grey. The heatmap was generated using the web-based Morpheus tool from the Broad Institute (Harvard, 2017).