Figures and data

Paradigm overview. A. A single trial, with two example images. Images were presented for 100 ms each with 800 ms interstimulus interval, and an intertrial interval of 1300-2200 ms. Participants were required to respond to upside down images with button press; all upside down images were trailing. B. Transitional probability matrix determining category pairs. Five leading categories and four trailing categories were used. Orange represents the 2:1 condition, and green represents the 1:2 (control) condition. Cells with dots represent the valid pairs, cells with Xs represent the invalid pairs, and empty cells represent non-existent pairs. C. Reaction times across Valid, Invalid, and Neutral conditions.

Results of data analysis. A. Grand average ERP statistical analyses at Channel Oz. Significant difference between valid and invalid trial amplitudes. B. Topography plot of the t-values resulting from paired t-tests comparing Valid and Invalid EEG data at 150 ms. C. SVM decoding results for Leading image sensory decoding. Dashed vertical line at 0 s indicates stimulus onset. D. Decoding results for Trailing image sensory decoding. Dashed rectangles denote latencies of significant effects (pFWE < 0.05). Dashed vertical line at 0 s indicates stimulus onset. E. Decoding results for Leading image prediction decoding. Dashed vertical line at 0 s indicates stimulus onset. F. Decoding results for Trailing image memory decoding. Dashed rectangle denotes latencies of significant effects (pFWE < 0.05). Dashed vertical line at 0 s indicates stimulus onset.

Analysis of validity effects on decoding over trial bins. A. Learning over time at 123-180 ms in sensory decoding. B. Learning over time at 280-196 ms in memory decoding. C. Learning over time at 280-296 ms in sensory decoding.