Figures and data

The Magnitude Learning Task
(a) Timeline of one trial from the learning task. On each trial participants were presented with two abstract shapes and were asked to choose one of them. The empty bars above and below the fixation cross represented the total available wins and losses for the trial, the full length of each bar was equivalent to £1. Participants chose a shape and then were shown the proportion of each outcome that was associated with their chosen shape as coloured regions of the bars (green for wins and red for losses). The empty portions of the bars indicated the win and loss magnitudes associated with the unchosen option, allowing participants to infer which shape would have been the better option on every trial. The task consisted of six blocks of sixty trials each. The volatility and noise of the two outcomes varied independently between blocks with different shapes used in each block. Panel b illustrates outcomes from the four block types. As can be seen blocks with high volatility and low noise (top left), and those with low volatility and high noise (bottom right), present participants with a similar range of magnitudes. Participants therefore have to distinguish whether variability in the outcomes is caused by volatility or noise from the temporal structure of the outcomes rather than the size of changes in magnitude (cf; Diederen & Schultz, 2015; Krishnamurthy et al., 2017; Nassar et al., 2012). Panel c shows two example blocks (one block in grey, the other in white) with both win (green) and loss outcomes (red) displayed. Panel d shows the expected adaptation of learning rates in response to the manipulation of volatility and noise; for both win and loss outcomes, learning rates should be increased when volatility is high and when noise is low.

The impact of uncertainty manipulations on participant choice.
Panels a and b report a summary metric for the effect of win and loss outcomes on subsequent choice. The metric was calculated as the proportion of trials in which an outcome of magnitude 51-65 associated with Shape A was followed by choice of the shape prompted by the outcome (i.e. Shape A for win outcomes, Shape B for loss outcomes) relative to when the outcome magnitude was 49-35 (see methods and materials for more details). We focused on this outcome range as these range of magnitudes were covered by all volatility x noise conditions and it was dictated by the relatively smaller range coverage in the low volatility low noise condition (also see Figure 1C loss outcomes shown in red between trials 60-120). The higher this number, the greater the tendency for a participant to choose the shape prompted by an outcome. As can be seen, the outcome of previous trials had a greater influence on participant choice when volatility was high, with a small effect of noise, in the opposite direction to that predicted. Panels c and d report the win and loss learning rates estimated from the same data. Again, the expected effect of volatility is observed, this time with no consistent effect of noise. Bars represent the mean (±SEM) of the data, with individual data points superimposed.

The Behaviour of Bayesian Observer Models.
Bayesian Observer Models (BOM) invert generative descriptions of a process, indicating how an idealised observer may learn. We developed a BOM based on the generative model of the task we used (a). Details of the BOM are provided in the methods, briefly it assumes that observations (yi) are generated from a Gaussian distribution with a mean (mui) and standard deviation (SDi). Between observations, the mean changes with the rate of change controlled by the volatility parameter (vmui). The standard deviation and volatility of this model estimate the noise and volatility described for the task. The last parameters control the change in volatility (kmu) and standard deviation (vs) between observations, allowing the model to account for different periods when these types of uncertainty are high and others when they are low. The BOM adjusts it learning rate in a normative fashion (f), increasing it when volatility is higher, or noise is lower. The BOM was lesioned in a number of different ways in an attempt to recapitulate the learning rate adaptation observed in participants (shown in panel e). Removing the ability of the BOM to adapt to changes in volatility (b) or noise (c) did not achieve this goal (g,h). However, degrading the BOMs representation of uncertainty (d) was able to recapitulate the behavioural pattern of participants (i). Bars represent the mean (±SEM) of participant learning rates, with raw data points presented as circles behind each bar.

Analysis of the behaviour of the degraded BOM.
The process of degrading the BOM involved reducing the number of bins used to represent the volatility and noise dimensions independently until the choice of the model matched that of participants. Panel a illustrates the number of bins selected by this process for the volatility and noise dimensions (averaged across win and loss outcomes). As can be seen the degraded BOM maintained a less precise representation of noise than volatility. In order to understand the behaviour of the degraded model, the model’s estimated vmuiand SDi were used to label individual trials as high/low volatility and noise (NB greater than or less than the mean value of the estimates). These trial labels were compared with the same labels from the intact model, which were used as an ideal comparator (panels b and c). Panel b illustrates the proportion of trials in which the labels of the two models agreed, arranged by the ground truth labels of the full model and averaged across win and loss outcomes. The dotted line indicates the agreement expected by chance. The degraded model trial labels differed from those of the full model particularly for high noise trials, with no impact of trial volatility. Panel c provides more details on how the degraded model misattributes trials. In this figure, the labels assigned by the full model are arranged along the x axis. The colour of each square represents the proportion of trials with a specific full model label that received the indicated label of the degraded model (arranged along the y axis). The diagonal squares illustrate agreement between models as reported in panel b. As highlighted by the red outlines, trials which the full model labelled as having high noise were generally mislabelled by the degraded model as having high volatility. Reanalysis of participant choices using the trial labels provided by the full (panel e) and degraded (panel f) models indicate that participants adapt their learning rates in a normative fashion when the degraded model trial labels are used (panel f), but not when the full model labels are used (panel e). Panel d illustrates the same analysis using the original task block labels for comparison. Bars represent the mean (±SEM) of participant learning rates, with raw data points presented as circles behind each bar. See supplementary figure 1 for a comparison of the behaviour of the degraded BOM with an alternative fitted model.

Analysis of pupillometry data.
Z-scored pupil area from 2 seconds before to 6 seconds after win (panel a) and loss (panel b) outcomes, split by task block. Lines illustrate average size, with shaded area illustrating SEM. Panel c Pupil size averaged across whole outcome period and both win and loss outcomes. Pupil size did not systematically vary by task block. Panels d-f, as above but using the trial labels derived from the degraded model. Pupil size was significantly larger for trials labelled as having high vs. low volatility and low vs. high noise. Panel g displays the mean (SEM) effect of volatility and noise as estimated by the full BOM derived from a regression analysis of pupil data. The residuals from this analysis were then regressed against the estimated volatility and noise from the degraded model. A time course of the regression weights from this analysis is shown in panel h, with the mean coefficients across the whole period shown in panel i. The degraded model’s estimated noise accounted for a significant amount of variance not captured by the full model (pink line in h is below 0, the mean effect across the period is represented by dashed lines and arrows in panel i). See supplementary figure 2 for comparison of the degraded BOM with an alternative fitted model.