Hepatocytes provide a drug-tolerant niche to Mtb:
(A). Experimental scheme of deducting the percentage drug tolerance in hepatocytes (generated with Biorender.com) (B). Percentage tolerance of Mtb-H37Rv against Rifampicin within RAW 264.7, PHCs and HepG2 at different time points post-infection. (C). Percentage tolerance of Mtb-H37Rv against Isoniazid within RAW 264.7, PHCs, and HepG2 at different time points post-infection. Representative data from 3 independent experiments. (D). Percentage tolerance of Mtb-H37Rv against rifampicin within BMDMs, PHCs, and HepG2 as measured microscopically (E). Percentage tolerance of Mtb-H37Rv against isoniazid within BMDMs, PHCs, and HepG2 measured microscopically. Representative data from 3 independent experiments. Each dot represents a single field having more than 4 infected cells. 20 such fields were analyzed (F). Transcript levels of the various DMEs involved in Rifampicin and Isoniazid metabolism in mice liver, 8 weeks post-infection (n=4 mice), the fold change has been calculated by considering the expression in the uninfected mice to be 1. Data were analyzed by using 2-way ANOVA in (B) and (C), one-way ANOVA in (D) and (E) and the two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test in (F) and Representative data from n=4 biological replicates *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005, ***p < 0.0005, ****p < 0. 0001.ns=non-significant.