Figures and data

Analysis pipeline.
Analysis pipeline to calculate relative risk ratios (RR) for future health outcomes in PCOS (green) and PCOS and Pain (blue) cohorts for the 76859,666 women queried. STEP 1 shows the number of women in the case and controls for both the PCOS (green) and PCOS and Pain (blue) cohorts. STEP 2 shows the number of cases and controls after 1:1 propensity score matching. STEP 3 shows the different future health conditions that were considered for future health outcomes. STEP 4 shows that the final step is calculating the relative risk for the future health outcomes.

Prevalence of conditions and medications associated with PCOS and Pain.
Barplots show the prevalence (%) (left y-axis) of different diseases associated with PCOS (green) and PCOS and Pain (blue) (x-axis). Purple line indicates the prevalence fold-change between the PCOS and PCOS and Pain cohorts (right y-axis).

Relative risk ratios for future health outcomes associated with PCOS and Pain.
Relative risk ratios (RR) (x-axis) for future health outcomes (y-axis) for both PCOS (green) and PCOS and Pain (blue) cohorts. Darker hued circles indicate RR, while lighter hued boxes indicate the 95% confidence intervals. The black dashed line is set 1 and is the threshold for RR, where > 1 is increased RR and < 1 is decreased RR.

Parts A-J. Self-reported race-stratified relative risk ratios for future health outcomes.
Relative risk ratios (RR) for future health outcomes (y-axis) stratified by self-reported race. Colors represent different self-reported race groups (x-axis): Asian (orange), Black or African American (yellow), Other (red), White (purple). A. Light hues indicate RR calculation for entire PCOS cohort. B-J. Dark hues indicate RR calculation for PCOS and Pain cohorts. Error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals. Significant differences between RR are represented by asterisks (*), where p-value ≤ 0.05 = *, p-value ≤ 0.005 = **, p-value ≤ 0.0005 = ***, and p-value ≤ 0.00005 = ****. Red dashed lines is set 1 and is the threshold for RR, where > 1 is increased RR and < 1 is decreased RR.

Prevalence of Pain for women with PCOS before and after medications.
Prevalence (%) changes (y-axis) of pain for women with PCOS cohort before and after prescription of COCPs (yellow), metformin (purple), and spironolactone (orange) (x-axis). Analysis was done separately for abdominal and pelvic pain (solid lines) and dysmenorrhea (dashed lines).