Analysis pipeline.

Analysis pipeline to calculate relative risk ratios (RR) for future health outcomes in PCOS (green) and PCOS and Pain (blue) cohorts for the 76859,666 women queried. STEP 1 shows the number of women in the case and controls for both the PCOS (green) and PCOS and Pain (blue) cohorts. STEP 2 shows the number of cases and controls after 1:1 propensity score matching. STEP 3 shows the different future health conditions that were considered for future health outcomes. STEP 4 shows that the final step is calculating the relative risk for the future health outcomes.

Prevalence of conditions and medications associated with PCOS and Pain.

Barplots show the prevalence (%) (left y-axis) of different diseases associated with PCOS (green) and PCOS and Pain (blue) (x-axis). Purple line indicates the prevalence fold-change between the PCOS and PCOS and Pain cohorts (right y-axis).

Relative risk ratios for future health outcomes associated with PCOS and Pain.

Relative risk ratios (RR) (x-axis) for future health outcomes (y-axis) for both PCOS (green) and PCOS and Pain (blue) cohorts. Darker hued circles indicate RR, while lighter hued boxes indicate the 95% confidence intervals. The black dashed line is set 1 and is the threshold for RR, where > 1 is increased RR and < 1 is decreased RR.

Parts A-J. Self-reported race-stratified relative risk ratios for future health outcomes.

Relative risk ratios (RR) for future health outcomes (y-axis) stratified by self-reported race. Colors represent different self-reported race groups (x-axis): Asian (orange), Black or African American (yellow), Other (red), White (purple). A. Light hues indicate RR calculation for entire PCOS cohort. B-J. Dark hues indicate RR calculation for PCOS and Pain cohorts. Error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals. Significant differences between RR are represented by asterisks (*), where p-value ≤ 0.05 = *, p-value ≤ 0.005 = **, p-value ≤ 0.0005 = ***, and p-value ≤ 0.00005 = ****. Red dashed lines is set 1 and is the threshold for RR, where > 1 is increased RR and < 1 is decreased RR.

Prevalence of Pain for women with PCOS before and after medications.

Prevalence (%) changes (y-axis) of pain for women with PCOS cohort before and after prescription of COCPs (yellow), metformin (purple), and spironolactone (orange) (x-axis). Analysis was done separately for abdominal and pelvic pain (solid lines) and dysmenorrhea (dashed lines).