Rab4 and Rab10 positively and negatively regulate activity-dependent SEP-GluA1 exocytosis in the stimulated spines during sLTP, respectively.
a, Upper panel: schematic for SEP-GluA1 FRAP and two-photon glutamate uncaging experiment. Whole dendrite photobleaching was performed from -2 min to 0 min, followed by single spine glutamate uncaging from 0 min to 1 min (0.5 Hz, 60 s). Lower panel: representative pseudo color images of SEP-GluA1 (green) FRAP after two-photon glutamate uncaging in a single spine of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons coexpressing mCherry (magenta) and scrambled shRNA. White arrowheads indicated the stimulated spine. Scale bar represents 1 µm. b, Averaged time courses of SEP-GluA1 (left) and mCherry (right) fluorescence intensity (F/F0) in the stimulated spine (red), adjacent spine (black) and dendrite (blue) of neurons expressing SEP-GluA1, mCherry, and scrambled shRNA. Black arrows indicate the time points after photobleaching and glutamate uncaging, respectively. Data represent mean ± SEM. N=43/35 (spine/neuron), 43/35 (spine/neuron) and 43/35 (dendrite/neuron) for the stimulated spine, adjacent spine and dendrite, respectively. c, Averaged time courses of SEP-GluA1 FRAP in the stimulated spines of neurons expressing SEP-GluA1, mCherry, and scrambled shRNA (Ctrl shRNA, black, n=43/35); SEP-GluA1, mCherry, and TeTxLC (TeTxLC, grey, n=19/12); SEP-GluA1, mCherry, and shRNAs against Rab4a and Rab4b (Rab4a/4b shRNA, red, n=26/16); SEP-GluA1, mCherry, shRNAs against Rab4a and Rab4b, and shRNA-resistant Rab4a (Rab4a rescue, orange, n=16/12); SEP-GluA1, mCherry, and shRNA against Rab10 (Rab10 shRNA, green, n=23/15); SEP-GluA1, mCherry, shRNA against Rab10, and shRNA-resistant Rab10 (Rab10 rescue, blue, n=22/19). Data represent mean ± SEM. All experiments were paired with the same day controls from the same batch of slices. d, Quantification of SEP-GluA1 fluorescence intensity at 0 min and 2 min in the same experiments as c. Data represent mean ± SEM. One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s multiple comparison tests were performed (n.s., not significant, * p<0.05, *** p<0.001). e, Averaged time courses of mCherry fluorescence intensity in the stimulated spines of the same neurons as c. Data represent mean ± SEM. f, Quantification of mCherry fluorescence intensity at 0 min and 2 min in the same experiments as c. Data represent mean ± SEM. One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s multiple comparison tests (n.s., not significant, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001). Please note that the Ctrl shRNA samples in c-f are the same as those in a-b. g, Proposed model for Rab4 and Rab10 mediated AMPAR trafficking and sLTP. Activation of postsynaptic NMDARs triggers Ca2+ influx (∼ms) and CaMKII activation (∼s), which is relayed by the transient activation of Rab4 (∼min) and persistent inactivation of Rab10 (∼min). Rab4 activation and Rab10 inactivation result in the potentiated AMPAR exocytosis and sLTP induction in single dendritic spines.