NeuroSCAN data model.
(A) Reference scheme for B-F; Instance refers to the category (e.g., B, Neuron; C, Developmental Stage), which contains a name or identifier (id) for each object, lists of files associated with the instance (C, Developmental Stage does not have files), and metadata to further describe each instance, which is usually a string (str) or an integer (int). (B) The neuron name is the foundation for the Contacts, Synapses, and C-PHATE, which enables integration across each of these representations and across developmental stages (timepoints) with metadata from WormAtlas ( (C) The Developmental Stages are named by the larval stages (L1, L2, L3, L4, Adult), and the metadata captures the list of timepoints within those developmental stages (i.e., L1, 0 hours post hatching, and L1, 5 hours post hatching). (D) C-PHATE objects are named with a list of Neurons. (E) Contacts link to the Neuron names (Neuron A and Neuron B nomenclature in Figure S5), and metadata annotates the weight or the number of pixels of contact quantified in the source Electron Microscopy micrographs. (F) Synapses link to the Neuron names (Pre, Post, type, and section described in Figure S7).