Enhanced myogenic responses in parenchymal arterioles of BPV mice.
A, Illustration of the experimental set-up including a portable telemetry system for blood pressure recordings simultaneously with 2P imaging recordings of parenchymal arteriole diameter. This panel was created using BioRender. B, Summary data of the average depth of acquisition below the surface of the brain where imaging was conducted. C, Summary data of the average baseline diameters of parenchymal arterioles imaged. D, Summary data of the average MAP when the infusion pump was off, low blood pressure (Low BP) range, and when the infusion pump was on, high blood pressure (High BP) range. E, Representative raw trace (from one mouse) of MAP (top) and parenchymal arteriole diameter (bottom). F, Expanded data corresponding to dashed square in (F), during the Ang II evoked BP changes. G, Representative scatter plot of MAP vs parenchymal arteriole diameter during an imaging run. H, Summary data of the slopes of the MAP-diameter linear regression, as shown in (G). I, The minimum MAP during an acquisition run vs the slope in (H); dashed lines correspond to the percent Δ change in MAP from the minimum MAP value of the run. Summary of percent Δ change in MAP from the minimum MAP shown in insert. J, Scatter plot of MAP vs delta diameter from baseline pressure (∼70 mmHg) with a pressure range 46-122 mmHg, ≤50 mmHg (K), 51-100 mmHg (L), ≥101 mmHg (M). Unpaired t-test and Mann-Whitney test (B-C, H-I, n = 13 runs/9 control mice, 11 runs/8 BPV mice). Two-way ANOVA repeated measures followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison test (D, n = 13 runs of 9 control mice, 11 runs of 8 BPV mice). Simple linear regression and “#” denotes p < 0.05 between group (J-M, n = 12 runs/9 control mice, n= 8 runs/7 BPV mice).
Art. Diameter = parenchymal arteriole diameter, BPV = blood pressure variability, MAP = mean arterial pressure.