Endogenous Shv tagged with eGFP is detected in glial cells.
(A) Schematic of eGFP knock-in to the Shv gene generated using CRISPR/Cas9 system (top). Exons are in orange, signal peptide in red. Western blots using antibodies against GFP and Shv confirms the presence of eGFP in Shv. β-tubulin is used as a loading control. (B) Low magnification images of the 3rd instar larval brain showing weak Shv-eGFP signal throughout the brain (left). Scale bar = 100 μM. Zoomed in view of the brain hemisphere and ventral nerve cord with neurons and glia marked by Elav and Repo antibodies, respectively. Asterisks label glial cells with Shv expression. Scale bar for brain and VNC are 10 and 15 μM, respectively. (C) Shv-eGFP can be detected at the NMJ. Glial membrane is marked by membrane targeted tdTomato (driven by glial specific Repo-GAL4) and neuronal membrane labeled by HRP. Zoomed in views show that Shv-eGFP colocalizes with glial membrane (magenta arrow) and synaptic boutons (yellow arrow). Shv-eGFP also weakly labels the muscle. Scale bar = 10 μM in the upper panels, and 2 μM in the lower panels.