DDX3 and PABP1 regulate cap-independent translation initiation of JEV in vitro.
(A) Identification of cellular proteins associated with JEV 3′UTR and JEV 3′UTR-ΔDB2-sHP-SL (left). Venn diagram of DB2 and sHP-SL specific binding proteins in BHK-21 and 293T cells detected by RNA pull-down and mass spectrometry (right).
(B) The firefly luciferase activity assay using the noncapped monocistronic RNA reporter JEV-5′UTR-FLuc-3′UTR in BHK-21 and 293T cells with an indicated protein silenced using siRNAs (n=3). (C) BHK-21 cells pre-treated with 100 pmol of a mixture of DDX3-specific siRNAs (left) or PABP1-specific siRNAs (right) were respectively transfected with monocistronic RNA reporters JEV 5′ UTR-FLuc-3′ UTR with 5’terminal modified by either m7G(5′)ppp(5′)A or ppp(5′), and then harvested at 12 hours post-transfection for analysis of firefly luciferase activities (n=4). The levels of endogenous DDX3 and PABP1 were detected by western blotting. (D) The firefly luciferase activity assay of monocistronic RNA reporter JEV-5′UTR-FLuc-3′UTR in BHK-21 cells with Flag-DDX3 (left) or Myc-PABP1 (right) over-expressed (n=4). (E-H) BHK-21 cells with DDX3 or PABP1 silenced were transfected with the capped JEV genomic RNA of WT or ΔDB2 mutant, or noncapped WT genomic RNA. At the indicated time points post-transfection, the expression of viral NS1′ protein, p-eIF2α, DDX3 and PABP1 in BHK-21 cells was analyzed by immunoblotting (E and G), and viral titers in culture supernatants were determined by TCID50 assays (F and H) (n=3). (I-L) BHK-21 cells with DDX3 or PABP1 silenced were infected with rGI and rGI-ΔDB2 at a dose of 0.05 MOI. Replication of rGI and rGI-ΔDB2 was monitored by TCID50 assays (I and K) (n=3). The expression of viral NS1′ protein, p-eIF2α, DDX3 and PABP1 in BHK-21 cells was analyzed by immunoblotting (J and L). (M-P) The translational activity of JEV genomic RNA in DDX3-KO BHK-21 cells. DDX3-KO cells with or without DDX3-Flag over-expression were transfected with JEV genomic RNA m7G(5′)ppp(5′)A-RNA, ppp(5′)A-RNA, respectively. At different time points post-transfection, immunoblotting analysis of viral NS1′ protein (M and O). Virus titers in culture supernatant were evaluated by TCID50 assays (N and P) (n=3). (Q) The replication ability of rGI and rGI-ΔDB2 in WT and DDX3-KO BHK-21 cells (n=3). The significant differences between WT and DDX3-KO BHK-21 cells are marked (*, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; **, p<0.001). *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001; ns, no statistical differences. Data are presented as mean ± SD of three independent experiments (B, C, D, F, H, I, K, N, P and Q).