Single Hodgkin-Huxley type neuron model:
(a) Different patterns of electrophysiological activities previously identified in [56] are also reproduced in our parameter setting by varying the potassium concentration in the external bath [K+]bath. The membrane potential V is measured in mV and the ion concentrations in mmol/m3. (b) Phase space trajectory of the seizure-like event simulation ([K+]bath = 15.5). Fast oscillations occur in a fast sub-system identified by the membrane potential V and the gating variable n. The oscillations of the slow subsystem, here captured by the potassium concentration in the extracellular space [K+]ext, enable the transition to bursting. (c) Fixing the value of the state variables n, Δ[K+]int and [K+]g as constants, the membrane potential equation resembles a cubic function for different values of [K+]bath. We can model this function as a step-wise quadratic approximation, corresponding to two parabolas with vertices at coordinates (c−, I−) and (c+, I+) and curvature R− and R+ respectively (d). The two parabolas meet at an intersection point V ⋆ where the membrane potential equation changes curvature. (e) At each time, we assume that the membrane potential of a neuronal population is distributed according to a Lorentzian centered at y = y(η, t) and with width x = x(η, t), for each value of the excitability η (Lorentzian Ansatz). In the case depicted, the cubic function meets the zero for V < V ⋆, the neuronal population is described by the Lorentzian distri bution in blue in the steady-state solution, and the neuronal dynamics is governed by the positive parabola according to the continuity equation. In the case where the derivative of the membrane potential is zero for V > V ⋆ (e.g., if the cubic function is shifted up by adding a constant current to the membrane potential derivative), the population is described by the red distribution in the steady state, and the continuity equation is governed by the negative parabola equation. Cases where the cubic function meets the zero in more than one point are not well described by this approximation (see Section Steady-state solution and Lorentzian Ansatz