Tethering is crucial for the survival of mycobacteria
(a.) Top panel: Representative Fluorescent micrographs showing NAO intensity across Msm+ATc, Δwag31-ATc and, Δwag31+ATc samples imaged at 12 h post-ATc treatment. Bright red foci of polar CL are indicated with yellow arrowheads and septal CL foci with white arrowheads. Bottom panel: shows respective phase images. (b.) Line plot depicting CL distribution along the length of the cells across Msm+ATc, Δwag31-ATc and, Δwag31+ATc. N=100 cells across two independent biological replicates were analysed using Fiji and their normalised fluorescence intensities were plotted against cell length; fluorescence emitted from 0-20 % & 80-100 % of cell length was considered polar. (c.) Representative fluorescent micrographs showing NAO staining in Msm+IVN, Msm::wag31+IVN samples imaged at 12 h post 5 mM IVN treatment. Bright red foci of polar CL are indicated with yellow arrowheads, and septal CL foci with white arrowheads. The panels below show corresponding phase images. (d.) Line plot depicting CL distribution along the length of the cells in Msm+IVN, Msm::wag31+IVN. N=100 cells across two independent biological replicates were analysed using Fiji. The y-axis represents the normalized fluorescence intensities, and the x-axis represents cell length expressed as a percentage of total cell length. Fluorescence peaks in 0-20 % & 80-100 % of cell length were considered polar. (e.) Structure of Wag31 (MSMEG_4217) from AlphaFold protein structure database (67). The structure represents the N-terminal, linker, and C-terminal domains in Wag31. The N-terminal contains a short helix, followed by an intertwined loop harbouring positively charged amino acid K20 (highlighted in red) and the DivIVA domain. The N-terminus is linked to the C-terminus via a linker. (f.) Msm+ATc, Δwag31, Δwag31::wag31, Δwag31::wag31K20A, Δwag31::wag31D1-60either untreated or treated with ATc were scored for bacillary survival post 12 h ATc addition by enumerating CFUs. Appropriate serial dilutions were plated on 7H11 plates (without antibiotic or ATc), and bar graphs demonstrating bacillary survival (CFU log10/mL ± standard deviations (SD, represented by error bars) were plotted and statistical significance was calculated using two-way RM ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test, a=0.01, GP: 0.1234 (ns), 0.0332 (*), 0.0021 (**), 0.0002 (***), <0.0001 (****). The experiment was performed twice independently, each with triplicates. (g.) Strains described in (f.) were scored for their morphology-rod, bulged or round at 12 h post ATc treatment. 308 cells of each strain across two independent experiments were analysed.