Demographs of scaled ribosome and nucleoid fluorescence for strains with different ribosome markers and under various nutrient conditions.
Demographs are ordered according to increasing average cell area, which scales with growth rate (Schaechter et al., 1958), from left to right and top to bottom. These demographs were constructed from snapshots of the following strains: A. CJW6768 (RplA-mEos2 ribosomal marker, 747 to 2446 cells per condition), B. CJW6769 (RpsB-mEos2 ribosomal marker, 690 to 3169 cells per condition), C. CJW7020 (RplA-msfGFP ribosomal marker, 657 to 2432 cells per condition) and D. CJW7021 (RpsB-msfGFP ribosomal marker, 788 to 1950 cells per condition), using the cell length as a proxy for the cell division cycle, with the signal intensity profile sorted from the shortest newborn cells to the longest predivisional cells. Note that the demographs for the CJW6768 strain (panel A) in the nutrient conditions M9mann, M9mala, M9malt, M9mannCAAT, M9glyCAAT and M9malaCAAT are not shown here, as they are presented in Figure 2A. The nutrient abbreviations and compositions are explained in Table S1.