Experimental paradigm.

Still images from two sample video stimuli representing each of the three animate (yellow) conditions: dog (blue), human (pink), cat (green) and the inanimate condition: car (grey) and the design of a single run. Each 310 s long run was composed of 12 videos (3.5-5.5 s, mean 4.5 s) of each of the four conditions followed by an interstimulus interval (0.7-2.5 s, mean 1.7 s). Stimulus design was identical for dog and human subjects. See also Video S1.

RSA comparing neural and EVC model representations.

A, DSM for the EVC model. B, Results for correlation with the EVC model in dogs (n = 15) and humans (n = 13) superimposed on a template brain (for dogs: Czeibert et al., 2019; for humans: MNI template brain), using a cluster threshold of Z>3.1 and a corrected cluster significance threshold of p=0.05 in a searchlight analysis (sphere radius = 3 voxels for dogs and 3 voxels for humans). L=left; R=right; EMG=ectomarginal gyrus; SpG=splenial gyrus; mSSG=mid suprasylvian gyrus; MG=marginal gyrus; CAL=calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex.

GLM results in dogs and humans.

A, Dog and human contrast maps superimposed on a template brain, using a cluster threshold of Z>3.1 and a corrected cluster significance threshold of p=0.05. Upper row: A > iA (yellow), lower rows: D > iA (blue), H > iA (pink), C > iA (green). B, Response profiles. Bar graphs represent parameter estimates (beta weights) in select GLM-derived peaks (sphere radius = 3 voxels) for each condition. C, Activity proportions and overlaps. Horizontal bars (and percentages) represent the proportions of suprathreshold voxels per condition, relative to the total voxel number, within the visually responsive cortex; vertical overlaps represent activity overlaps. D, Overlap calculation results. The percentage of suprathreshold voxels within the visually responsive cortex for which at least two conditions overlap and in which all three overlap. E, Species-preference. Proportion of animate-preferring voxels for which the strongest response was found for the given condition. L=left; R=right; OG = occipital gyrus; mSSG = mid suprasylvian gyrus; cSSG = caudal suprasylvian gyrus; cSG = sylvian gyrus; SpG = splenial gyrus; mESG = mid ectosylvian gyrus; cCG = caudal composite gyrus; FFG = fusiform gyrus; HC=hippocampus; IOG = inferior occipital gyrus; ITG=inferior temporal gyrus; MTG = middle temporal gyrus. *: p<0.01, +: p=0.062. Error bars represent SE.

Category boundary test results in dogs and humans.

A, Dog and human results superimposed on a template brain using a cluster threshold of Z>3.1 and a corrected cluster significance threshold of p=0.05. B, Activity proportions and overlaps. Horizontal bars (and percentages) represent the proportions of suprathreshold voxels per condition, relative to the total voxel number, within the visually responsive cortex; vertical overlaps represent activity overlaps. C, Overlap calculation results. The percentage of suprathreshold voxels within the visually responsive cortex for which at least two conditions overlap and in which all three overlap. L=left. *: p<0.01. Error bars represent SE.