Cryo-EM analysis of PAD12 tau filaments
A Schematic of PAD12 tau. The amino-terminal inserts N1 (residues 44–73), and N2 (74–102) are shown in grey, the proline-rich region (151-243) is in light grey, the microtubule-binding repeats are in purple (R1, 244-274), blue (R2, 275-305), green (R3, 306-336) and yellow (R4, 337-368) and the carboxy-terminal domain (369-441) is shown in orange. The twelve phosphomimetic mutations of PAD12 are indicated with vertical lines. B Cryo-EM micrograph of PHFs composed of a 1:1 mixture of 0N3R and 0N4R PAD12 tau. Arrows show PHFs (blue) and single protofilaments with the Alzheimer tau fold (light blue) C Cross-sections of cryo-EM reconstructions perpendicular to the helical axis, with a thickness of approximately 4.7 Å for assembly reactions with 0N3R PAD12 tau, 0N4R PAD12 tau and a 1:1 mixture of 0N3R and 0N4R PAD12 tau. Inserts show pie charts with the particle distribution per filament types (PHFs in blue; single protofilaments with the Alzheimer fold in light blue; single protofilaments with the CTE fold in yellow; discarded solved particles (coloured) and discarded filaments in grey). D Cryo-EM density map of the 1:1 0N3R:0N4R PAD12 tau mixture in transparent grey, superimposed with its refined atomic model. E Backbone ribbon of the atomic model shown in D (blue), overlaid with the model of PHFs from AD brain (PDB-ID: 6hre) (grey).