GFP responses in two-photon imaging of neurons in V1 and ACC.
(A) Average change in apparent GFP fluorescence in L2/3 neurons in V1 on locomotion onset. Mean (solid lines) and the bootstrap standard error (shading) are calculated as hierarchical bootstrap estimate for each time bin.
(B) As in A, but for grating onsets in L2/3 neurons in V1. Green shading marks the duration of the gratings.
(C) As in A, but for responses to optogenetic stimulation light in L2/3 neurons in V1, with VR on (light red) or in dark (dark red). Pink shading marks the duration of the light stimulus.
(D) As in A, but for visuomotor mismatch in L2/3 neurons in V1. Orange shading marks the duration of visuomotor mismatch. As mismatch events are defined to occur during times of locomotion, and locomotion itself drives GFP responses, we would expect to find an increase in these signals by chance at mismatch. To correct for this, we quantified the distribution of signal amplitude on random triggers during locomotion (95% confidence interval, gray shading).
(E) As in A, but for L5 neurons in V1.
(F) As in B, but for L5 neurons in V1.
(G) As in C, but for L5 neurons in V1.
(H) As in D, but for L5 neurons in V1.
(I) As in A, but for L2/3 neurons in ACC.
(J) As in B, but for L2/3 neurons in ACC.
(K) As in C, but for L2/3 neurons in ACC.
(L) As in D, but for L2/3 neurons in ACC.