Representation of elapsed time in CA1, DS, and OFC neurons in the temporal bisection task.
(A, a-i) Spiking activity of nine representative time cells in the neurons in the CA1 (a-c), DS (d-f), and OFC (g-i). Top, raster plots of time cells in long and short interval trials. Bottom, PETHs in long (solid line) and short (dotted line) interval trials. (B) Spiking activity of time cells in the CA1 (left), DS (middle), and OFC (right) (n = 298, 282, and 208 units from 3 rats, respectively). Each row represents the normalized PETHs of individual neurons in long-interval trials. The color scale shows the firing rate of each neuron (red represents the maximum rate of each neuron, and blue represents 0 Hz). Neurons are ordered according to the time of their peak firing rates. (C) Box plot of information rates of time cells in the CA1, DS, and OFC (n = 298, 282, and 208 units from 3 rats, respectively). (D) Box plots of standard deviation (SD) of Gaussian kernels fitted to PETHs of time cells in the CA1, DS, and OFC. (E) Box plots of maximum firing rates of PETHs of time cells in the CA1, DS, and OFC. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ns, not significant. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey-Kramer post-test.