Variations in velocity and acceleration do not explain time-dependent changes in nearest-neighbor (NN) representational similarity. A) Deviations in z-scored firing rates from the mean place field activity in a novel environment. Top, firing rates within a place field increased over time. Bottom, out-of-field firing decreased over time. B) Same as Panel A with data recorded in familiar environments. C) At each moment after transitioning to a novel environment, we identified another 100-ms time bin with the most similar neural representational and calculated the absolute difference in velocity (|Δvel|NN) and acceleration (|Δacc|NN) recorded at these times. As compared to Figure 7C, neither |Δvel|NN nor |Δacc|NN co-varies with time as did the measure of representational uniqueness. D) Same as Panel C recorded after a transition to a familiar environment. E) Only removing time from transition decreased ability to predict NN representational similarity, t(7) = 3.52, p = 0.01. F) Same as panel E, recorded in a familiar environment, t(7) = 3.12, p = 0.017. G) In a novel environment, the patterns recorded in the first minute were less correlated to others captured in the same recording session than those observed 10 minutes into the recording (t(7) = 5.23, p = 0.001). H) Same as Panel G recorded in a familiar environment (t(7) = 5.60, p = 0.0008).