
Cells require forces for a wide variety of physiological functions, including cytokinesis, migration, and morphogenesis [1]. It is well-known that mechanical forces are produced mainly by molecular interactions between filamentous actin (F-actin) and myosin II motor proteins in the actin cytoskeleton [2]. Myosin II motors walk toward the barbed end of F-actin using chemical energy stored in adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Myosin II molecules consist of two heads with a long tail, and they self-assemble into filamentous structures [3]. There are three isoforms of myosin II: non-muscle, smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle myosins [4]. These myosin isoforms form different filamentous structures whose length ranges from ∼0.3 µ m to ∼1.5 µm with ∼56 to ∼800 heads [512]. Unlike smooth muscle myosin forming a side-polar filament, non-muscle and skeletal muscle myosins form a bipolar filament with two sets of myosin heads located at both ends of the filament and a bare zone at its center whose length is ∼160 nm. The number of myosin II molecules in the myosin filament also varies depending on conditions, such as pH level and ionic concentration [1316]. Individual myosin II heads have a relatively low duty ratio, meaning that they spend only a small fraction of their lifetime in the bound state unlike processive (i.e., high duty ratio) motors, such as myosin V or kinesin [17]. Thus, heads in a single myosin II molecule cannot walk along F-actin over a long distance by themselves. Myosin II circumvents this issue by forming the filamentous structure with multiple heads. If a myosin II filament has a sufficient number of heads, there are always a few myosin heads bound to F-actin, so the myosin II filament can remain proximal to the F-actin.

Heads with opposite polarities in the myosin II filament pull F-actins in opposite directions by walking toward the barbed ends of those F-actins, developing both tensile and compressive forces in disorganized actomyosin structures which are different from sarcomere found in muscle cells [18]. Theoretical and computational studies demonstrated that F-actin is easily buckled by compressive forces, leaving net tensile forces in disorganized bundles or networks that can mediate diverse contractile behaviors [1921]. Various reconstituted actomyosin systems have been employed to illuminate how contraction and force generation emerge from interactions between F-actins, myosin II filaments, and actin cross-linking proteins (ACPs) [2227]. Although they provided valuable insights, it has been understood poorly how various structural properties of myosin II filaments affect contraction or force generation in disorganized actomyosin structures.

Several computational models have been used to study the actomyosin contractility [2834]. However, there were several limitations in the models. For example, some of the models treated myosin II filaments as either points [34, 35], rods only with two binding sites [31, 36, 37], or force dipoles [38]. Such drastically simplified structures significantly differ from the real structure of the myosin II filament. In this study, we used our well-established agent-based model with detailed descriptions of the structure of myosin bipolar filaments [20, 3943], to illuminate how the number, length, bare zone size, and spatial distribution of myosin bipolar filaments influence force generation in disorganized actomyosin bundles and networks.

Materials and methods

Model overview

The detailed explanations about our model and all parameters used in the model are explained in Supplementary Text and Supplementary Tables. Our model consists of only three key cytoskeletal elements – F-actin, motor, and ACPs – among >100 proteins found in the actomyosin structures of cells [44]. They are simplified via cylindrical segments (Fig. 1A); F-actin is represented by serially connected segments with 140 nm in length. Each ACP comprises two arms with 23.5 nm in length connected to its center point. To mimic the structure of bipolar filaments, each motor has a backbone, consisting of serially linked segments, and two arms on each endpoint of the backbone segments that represent 8 myosin heads (Nh = 8). The reference length of backbone segments (LMB) is 42 nm. The displacements of all the cylindrical segments at each time step are calculated by the Langevin equation and the forward Euler integration scheme. Deterministic forces in the Langevin equation include extensional and bending forces that maintain the equilibrium lengths of segments and equilibrium angles formed by segments, respectively, as well as a repulsive force exerted on overlapping pairs of actin segments for considering volume-exclusion effects.

Modeling setups.

(A) In the model, F-actin (blue), actin cross-linking protein (ACP, yellow), and motor (red) are simplified by cylindrical segments. F-actin has polarity defined by barbed and pointed ends. Motors consist of a backbone with motor arms that can bind to and walk along F-actin. ACPs comprise two segments connected at the center point. κs and κb represent extensional and bending stiffnesses, respectively. (B) Two-filament system consisting of two F-actins whose barbed ends are clamped to rigid boundaries (gray). (C) The disorganized bundle system with 2NF2 F-actins randomly located and oriented in the presence of the periodic boundary condition (PBC) in the z direction, where NF is a parameter defining bundle thickness. (D) The two-dimensional network system consisting of F-actins with random positions and orientations with the PBC in x and y directions. (E) A variation in the motor structure in three different ways: (i) increasing the number of motor arms (Na↑), (ii) increasing the bare zone length (Lbz↑), and (iii) increasing a spacing between motor arms (Lsp↑).

Using the model, we simulate three types of systems: two filaments, bundles, and networks. In the two-filament simulations, a pair of anti-parallel F-actins with 19 μm in length are allocated in a rectangular computational domain (5×5×20 μm) with the periodic boundary condition (PBC) in x and y directions and the repulsive boundary condition in z direction. The barbed end of F-actins is clamped to two finite boundaries normal to the z direction. In the bundle simulations, we employ the same rectangular domain with the PBC in all directions (Fig. 1B). As in our previous study [42], we allocate F-actins in specific x and y coordinates. The number of possible positions for the allocation in x or y direction is defined by NF, and spacing between adjacent coordinates in each direction is set to 27 nm. In each set of x and y positions, we position two F-actins with 9 μm in length in random z position with random polarity. Thus, the total number of F-actins in the bundle is 2NF. In addition, the network simulations are conducted using a thin rectangular computational domain (20×20×0.1 μm) with the PBC in x and y directions and the repulsive boundary condition in z direction (Fig. 1C). In the domain, F-actins with 10 μm in length are allocated randomly in terms of positions and orientations. At the beginning of all simulations, while F-actins remain stationary, ACPs bind to F-actins to form permanent cross-linking points, and the arms of motors formed via the self-assembly of backbone segments bind to F-actins. After that, F-actins are allowed to move, and motor arms start walking and unbinding at force-dependent rates.

Variations in motor structures

In our study, we vary three structural properties of motors: the number of arms per motor (Na), the length of the bare zone (Lbz), and spacing between motor arms (Lsp). We change the size of motors in three different ways. In the first way, Na is increased by connecting more segments with arms for a backbone, whereas Lbz and Lsp are equal to LMB (Fig. 1E, i). In the second way, Lbz is increased by adding more segments without arms to the bare zone, whereas Na is unchanged, and Lsp is equal to LMB (Fig. 1E, ii). In the third way, Lsp and Lbz are increased by making LMB higher, whereas Na is unchanged (Fig. 1E, iii).

Measurement of contractile forces

In the two-filament simulations and the bundle simulations, we measure tensile forces generated by the systems as follows. First, all segments crossing the cross-sections of the domain located every 200 nm in the z direction, which can be for either of F-actin, motor arm, motor backbone, or ACP arm, are identified. Then, the z component of spring forces acting on those segments is summed. Using these sums, four curves can be drawn as a function of z to show which segment supports more or less tensile loads in each z position. Note that at equilibrium, the sum of four forces is very similar regardless of z position, meaning that a large fraction of forces developed by motors act as spring forces rather than bending forces. The average of the sums calculated on all cross-sections at a steady state is considered the total force acting on the system, Ftot. In the network simulations, tensile forces are measured in a similar manner, using 20 cross-sections of the domain located evenly in the x and y directions. x or y component of tensile forces acting on all segments crossing each cross-section is summed at a steady state. The average of sums calculated on 40 cross-sections is considered Ftot.


The distribution of motors and ACPs plays a key role in force generation

A previous in vitro study reported that tension developed in a thin bundle was almost directly proportional to the number of myosin heads in each motor, not to the number of motors [4]. Although their experiments did not include any ACP, their theoretical explanation was based on an assumption that the bundle consists of serially connected contractile units like sarcomeres in muscle cells [4]. They admitted that these contractile units do not have structural analogs in their disordered actomyosin bundles.

To verify their hypothesis, we first used a simple minimal model composed of two anti-parallel F-actins, two motors, and 16 ACPs (Figs. 1A and 2). The number of arms per motor was set to Na = 24. We ran 20 simulations with random z positions of motors and ACPs and found that the total force generated by the system, Ftot, fell into the following range (Fig. 2A):

Interactions between motors and ACPs regulate force generation.

(A) Time evolution of the force generated by two motors in the two-filament system. The upper and lower dashed lines indicate ideal upper and lower limits of a force that two motors can generate, respectively. (B) Without any ACP between two motors, they can generate a force close to the upper limit which is two-fold larger than a force that one motor can generate = ). (C) With ACP(s) between two motors, ACPs counterbalance a force generated by one of the motors. Thus, they can generate a force close to the lower limit which is equal to the force that one motor can generate (= /2). Part of F-actins is buckled due to two forces with opposite directions. (D) If two motors are close to each other, ACP can counterbalance a fraction of the force generated by one motor. Then, two motors can generate a force between the upper and lower limits. (E, F) Initial and final configurations (E) without or (F) with ACPs between two motors. The vertical dimension is increased 10 times to show the configurations clearly. (G) Measurement of tensile forces acting on F-actins (green), ACPs (blue), motor arms (red), motor backbones (black), or all (magenta) in z direction.

Where is the maximal force that all motors can generate in this system:

where is the z component of spring forces exerted by ith motor at a steady state, and NM is the number of motors. In this example, NM is 2. Note that only a quarter of motor arms (i.e., Na / 4) can bind to one F-actin due to two constraints assumed for the binding of the motor arms: motor arms can bind to F-actin when the arms are properly aligned with the polarity of F-actin, and two arms connected to the same point on a backbone cannot bind to the same F-actin. With two antiparallel F-actins, up to half of the motor arms can stay in the bound state. Thus, of a motor bound to two anti-parallel F-actins at the steady state is close to FstNhNa/2, where Fst is the stall force of one myosin head, and Nh indicates the number of myosin heads represented by each motor arm. We found that a difference in Ftot originated from the relative positions of motors and ACPs. When two motors were located in a very similar position with an almost full overlap by chance, Ftot was close to . When the two motors stayed apart without any overlap, Ftot was close to either 0.5 or depending on whether or not there were ACPs between them. In the absence of ACPs between two motors, forces generated by the arms of two motors could add up to develop larger tensile forces on F-actins (Figs. 2B, E). However, when ACPs existed between the two motors, it resulted in the buckling of F-actin between the ACPs and motor arms on one side, and counterbalanced the tension generated by motor arms on the other side (Figs. 2C, F). As a result, F-actins ended up with feeling tension corresponding to a force generated by one motor. These ACPs between two motors divide the bundle into serially connected contractile units as the assumption of the theoretical explanation in the other study mentioned earlier [4, 45]. These ACPs were observed to experience larger tension than the rest of the ACPs since they directly counterbalanced large tension generated by motors (Fig. 2G). There were quite a few cases showing intermediate level of bundle tension between 0.5 and (Fig. 2A). These cases had motors with a partial overlap and ACPs located within the z range spanned by one of these motors. Due to the partial overlap with ACPs, forces generated by two motors partially added up, resulting in the intermediate tension (Fig. 2D).

Force generation in disorganized bundles is also regulated by the same mechanism

To verify the importance of the spatial distributions of motors and ACPs for force generation in more physiologically relevant structures, we repeated simulations using disorganized bundles with various sizes between NF = 2 (8 filaments) and NF = 7 (98 filaments) (Figs. 1B and 3A). The densities of motors and ACPs were fixed at RACP = 0.04 and RM = 0.005, resulting in NM ranging between 4 and 52. In all cases, each motor still had 24 arms (Na = 24). When the bundle became thicker by increasing NF, a tensile force acting on the bundle (Ftot) also increased (Fig. 3B). Because the motor density was fixed, more motors were present in thicker bundles, generating larger Ftot. In case of the thickest bundle (NF = 7), actin concentration was 12.25-fold higher (= 98 / 8) compared to the thinnest bundle (NF = 2), so there were 13-fold more motors.

With fixed motor density, thicker bundles generate larger force in a less efficient manner.

(A) An example of disorganized bundles with NF = 7 visualized at the beginning of the simulation, where NF is a parameter defining bundle thickness. F-actins are visualized as transparent elements to show the positions of motors. (B) Bundle-level force and (C) the efficiency of force generation measured at a steady state with different NF. In thicker bundles (NF > 2), larger forces were generated, but the efficiency was lower than that in the thinnest bundle (NF = 2). *** represents p ≤ 0.001, and n.s. represents p > 0.05.

We defined the efficiency of force generation:

In these bundles, is still defined by Eq. 2, but was close to FstNhNa because there were more than one F-actin to bind for each polarity. Interestingly, η was quite similar in cases with NF = 4, 6, and 7 (Fig. 3C). By contrast, cases with NF = 2 exhibited much higher η than the other cases. We probed why motors could generate forces in the thinnest bundle in a more efficient manner. With NF = 2, there were only 4 motors. The length of each motor with 24 arms is 462 nm (= 42 nm × 11). The sum of the length of all 4 motors is only ∼9% of bundle length, 20 μm, so they were less likely to significantly overlap with each other. Instead, most of them stayed apart with various distances. Given high ACP density, there were more than one ACP between adjacent motors. Thus, these motors formed separate contractile units, and their forces could not add up. Thus, η for the thinnest bundle was roughly 1/NM because Ftot was close to the force generated by a single motor. Indeed, η for the thinnest bundle was close to 0.25, confirming our rationale. If motors behave in the same manner in thicker bundles (NF > 2), η will be smaller than 0.25 because NM is proportional to NF2 due to fixed motor density. Although η was actually smaller than 0.25 in thicker bundles, it was ∼0.12 in all cases with NF > 2, which was larger than the prediction, 1/NM. As the bundle was thicker, there was a higher chance for motors to overlap with each other or stay closely due to higher NM. Then, some of these proximal motors could add up their forces if there is no ACP between them as discussed earlier. If the bundle has any set of such “cooperative” motors, Ftot can become larger than a maximal force generated by a single motor since Ftot is determined by the largest force generated from one of the contractile units. As NM increases due to high NF, the number of the cooperative motors tends to increase, resulting in larger Ftot. Thus, as NF increases, both Ftot and increase, so η can be higher than 1/NM and rather insensitive to a change in NF when NF is not small.

Bundles with more, localized motors generate larger forces

Based on prior observations, overlaps between motors highly affect the force generation process. The extent of overlaps is determined by NM if the bundle length is fixed. To understand how force generation in the bundles depends on NM more systematically, we ran simulations with a wide range of NM, using the thickest bundle (NF = 7) and the same RACP = 0.04 and Na = 24. The bundle tension, Ftot, showed a tendency to increase with higher NM, but η was inversely proportional to NM (Fig. 4A). With low NM, Ftot was less sensitive to an increase in NM, whereas η was very sensitive to the increase in NM. If there are a small number of motors in the bundle, adding a few more motors would not lead to a significant increase in Ftot because the new motors are not likely to be located in positions where they can add up forces with other motors (Fig. 4B). Instead, they will merely increase the number of contractile units, most of which have only one motor. Thus, as explained in Eq. 3, η was close to 1/NM. With higher NM, Ftot was sensitive to a change in NM because adding more motors to the bundle contributes to an increase in the number of motors in each contractile unit (Fig. 4B). When NM was very high, Ftot was almost directly proportional to NM with slope ∼ 1 since all parts of the bundle were already occupied by motors, so adding more motors caused a direct impact on the magnitude of Ftot. In the range of high NM, η was much less sensitive to a change in NM. For example, when NM was varied from 10 to 1,000, η was reduced to approximately half. The insentitivity of η is attributed to an increase in both Ftot and with higher NM as explained earlier.

An increase in the number of motors (NM) in disorganized bundles results in larger forces but smaller force generation efficiency.

The thickest bundle (NF = 7) was used for all cases. (A) Bundle-level force (blue circles) and the efficiency of force generation (red triangles) with a wide range of NM. With more motors, a larger force (Ftot) was generated, but the efficiency (η) was lower. (B) Configuration of motors with different NM. Ξ represents the estimated number of motors in the strongest contractile unit. With small NM, Ftot and Ξ are unlikely to increase significantly until an entire bundle is occupied by motors, so η is roughly 1/NM. By contrast, with high NM, an increase NM directly enhances Ftot and Ξ, and η almost remains constant. (C) Prediction of a force using the positions of motors. To find the estimated force (Fest), Ξ is calculated first, and Eq. 7 is used.

To verify this rationale, we developed a way to estimate the maximum number of overlapping motors, Ξ, using our simulation data:

Where is:

i and k are the indices of motors, j denotes the left or right side of a motor, and Lov is an overlap distance between two motors. In addition, Lc is the critical length required for the cooperative overlap:

Lc is two-fold greater than the length occupied by motor arms on one side of a motor backbone. Two motors are considered a cooperative motor pair if Lov is equal to or greater than Lc (Fig. S1). With this cooperative overlap, ACPs cannot counterbalance forces exerted by motor arms. If Lov is shorter than Lc and but greater than zero, two motors are considered as a partially cooperative motor pair. By comparing all the motor combinations, Ξ can be obtained. Ξ can range between 1 (no overlap between motors) and NM (cooperative overlap between all motors). Using this Ξ, a force acting on the bundle can be estimated as Fest:

The sensitivity of Fest to an increase of NM is high at large NM with a slope close to 1 (Fig. 4C), which is consistent with our rationale described earlier. Fest was generally smaller than Ftot because this analysis does not account for actual bundle geometry consisting of multiple F-actins; if two motors are located far from each other in x or y direction, they may not counterbalance or add up forces. Nevertheless, we found that Fest captures the overall dependence of Ftot on parameters well.

So far, we have assumed that motors could be randomly located at any part of the bundle. If motors are confined within a smaller region, the extent of overlaps between motors (i.e., Ξ) could be increased with the same NM, enhancing force generation. We tested the effects of motor distribution with NF = 7, RACP = 0.04, NM = 52, and Na = 24. We allowed motors to be located only within a portion of the bundle defined by f between 0 and 1. f = 1 means that motors can be located anywhere. The center of the region for motor allocation is equal to the center of the bundle at z = 10 µm. It was observed that a bundle generated the largest Ftot, and η was the highest when motors were located near the center (f = 0.06) (Fig. 5A). Note that in the denominator of Eq. 3 is identical in these cases, meaning that Ftot is directly proportional to η. Motors localized in relatively the same position are more likely to overlap in the cooperative manner (i.e., LovLc). Therefore, a large fraction of the motors were involved with the formation of a strong contractile unit (Fig. 5B). As f increased, motors were distributed on the bundle more sparsely. Then, many motors were partially overlapped or separated from each other. As a result, Ftot and η decreased (Fig. 5A). The effect of a variation in f on force generation was also reproduced well by the theoretical model explained earlier (Fig. 5C).

Motor distribution affects the force generation in disorganized bundles.

We varied the relative size of a region where motors were initially located, f. f = 1 means that motors can be located at any part of the bundle. (A) Bundle-level force (Ftot) and efficiency (η) depending on f. As motors were localized more closely to the center (i.e., smaller f), the force and the efficiency were higher. (B) Configuration of motors with different f. Ξ indicates the estimated number of motors in the strongest contractile unit. Given the number of motors, smaller f results in more cooperative overlaps (i.e., higher Ξ) and thus leads to higher Ftot and η. (C) Prediction of the bundle-level force with different f.

The structure of motors influences force generation in bundles

We have employed motors with 24 arms whose length is LM = 462 nm with Lsp = 42 nm and Lbz = 42 nm. As mentioned earlier, the structure of myosin thick filaments can vary significantly, depending on myosin isoform and conditions. If motors are longer and have more arms, they may generate higher bundle forces. To verify this hypothesis, we tested cases with different Na and the thickest bundle (NF = 7), with the total number of arms in the system, NaNM, fixed. With higher Na, LM was increased, but NM became lower (Fig. 1D, i). When LM was increased by higher Na, Ftot increased (Fig. 6A, red). Because these cases had the same total number of motor arms, in Eq. 3 was identical in all the cases. Thus, η showed the same tendency as Ftot (Fig. S2A); with longer motors, η was higher. The same tendency was observed in Fest (Fig. 6B, red). As motors have motor arms, individual contractile units become stronger, so Ftot and η are directly proportional to LM if there is no overlap between motors (Fig. 6C). However, these motors are hard to overlap in a fully cooperative manner because Lc is large (Fig. 6D, top and Eqs. 5 and 6). Thus, Ξ was actually smaller with higher LM (Fig. S2B, red). This explains why the dependence of Ftot on LM was weaker at high LM than that at low LM (Fig. 6A).

The architecture of motors impacts the force generation process in disorganized bundles.

(A) Bundle-level force (Ftot) depending on LM. The motor length (LM) is varied by changing either of the number of motor arms (Na, red circles), the bare zone length (Lbz, blue triangles), or a spacing between motor arms (Lsp, green squares). (B) Prediction of the bundle-level force using the positions of motors. (C) As each motor has more arms (Na↑), Ftot and the efficiency of force generation (η) become higher because forces generated by motor arms are counterbalanced to a lesser extent. (D) Possible overlaps between two motors with different structures. A dark gray color indicates a fully cooperative overlap, and light gray indicates a partially cooperative overlap. To have the fully cooperative overlap, motors with many arms need to located very closely, whereas motors with the long bare zone can overlap in the fully cooperative manner with a relatively long distance between them.

There are two additional ways to increase LM without a change in Na and NM: increasing Lbz at the center of motors or increasing Lsp between motor arms uniformly (Fig. 1E, ii and iii). We ran simulations with a variation in either Lsp or Lbz, using the thickest bundle (NF = 7) with Na = 16. We compared results from these new simulations with those obtained with a variation in Na shown earlier. Interestingly, when LM was similar, Ftot acquired with a change in Lbz was similar to that with a variation in Na despite different NM (Fig. 6A, blue), whereas Ftot in cases with a change in Lsp was noticeably lower (Fig. 6A, green). η showed identical tendency as Ftot because was the same in all the cases (Fig. S2A). Fest also reproduced a similar tendency (Fig. 6B). If LM is fixed, a longer bare zone makes motors have their arms near the two ends of their backbone. Then, motors can have a higher possibility to add up their forces because Lc is smaller (Fig. 6D, bottom and Eqs. 5 and 6). Thus, Ξ was higher (Fig. S2B, blue), resulting in higher Ftot and η despite smaller Na. By contrast, motors with uniform large spacing between arms need to have a more overlap to add up their forces (Fig. 6D, middle). Smaller Ξ and Na led to lower Ftot and η (Fig. S2B, green).

Force generation in actin networks is regulated by the same mechanism

To check the generality of our findings, we performed simulations using a two-dimensional (2D) network where F-actins and motors are randomly oriented without any bias, which is different from those in bundles (Fig. 1C). We varied either of NM, Na, Lbz, or Lsp as done for bundles (Fig. 7A). Ftot was smaller than the values measured in bundles under the same conditions due to the random orientations of motors (Figs. 7B, C). Interestingly, we found that Ftot is proportional to , which is close to . Note that Ftot was directly proportional to NM at large NM in case of the bundles (Fig. 3A). Considering that motors are uniformly distributed on a 2D network, this weaker dependence on NM is expected. η showed similar mganitudes to those measured in the bundles (Figs. 6B, S2, and S3). Note that η was still calculated using Eq. 3, but was obtained by summing the x or y component of forces exerted by all motors network and then averaging them:

Force generation in two-dimensional actomyosin networks is governed by similar mechanisms.

(A) Examples of networks at the initial state under the reference condition, with a smaller or larger number of motors, and with longer motors. These snapshots show only a quarter of networks to better visualize individual motors. (B) Network-level tension (Ftot) and the efficiency of force generation (η) with a different number of motors. (C) Ftot depending on motor length varied by changing either of the number of motor arms (Na, red circles), the bare zone length (Lbz, blue triangles), or a spacing between motor arms (Lsp, green squares).

We found that the dependences of Ftot and η on these parameters are similar to those observed with bundles, meaning that force generation regulated by cooperative overlaps between motors takes place even in networks. Although forces exerted by motors are not oriented in the same direction in networks, these forces can be counterbalanced or add up depending on the relative positions of motors.


Actomyosin contractility is well-conserved machinery for generating mechanical forces in animal cells, facilitating cytokinesis, cell migration, and tissue morphogenesis [18]. Myosin II, which is the most important molecular motor for cellular force generation, exists as a highly organized form called thick filaments. Myosin thick filaments have been studied extensively during recent decades. However, despite various forms of thick filaments found in different types of cells, the effects of their structural properties on force generation have not been understood well.

There was an in vitro study that employed thin disorganized actomyosin bundles consisting of a few F-actins with three myosin isoforms (skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and non-muscle myosins) in order to investigate the effects of the size of myosin II filaments [4]. The study showed that a tensile force developed in bundles is directly proportional to the number of myosin heads in each myosin II filament if the total number of myosin heads is identical. They explained this direct proportionality via a theoretical bundle model consisting of serially-connected contractile units in which a single myosin II filament generates a tensile force. This is partially consistent with observations in our study. However, such explanation can be applied only to a bundle without any overlap between thick filaments, meaning that there are only a few thick filaments.

Although force generation by actomyosin contractility has been investigated in several theoretical and computational studies, most of the previous models used drastically simplified motors without consideration of thick filament structures [36, 37, 46]. Therefore, it was not feasible to investigate the importance of the structural properties of thick filaments in force generation in those studies. There were a few models accounting for thick filament structures. However, only one thick filament was simulated [32, 33] due to high computational cost, or force generation process was not probed [31].

In our study, using motors with the geometry of bipolar thick filaments, we systematically showed how the force generation process in disorganized actomyosin structures, including bundles and networks, is regulated by the number, spatial distribution, and structural properties of motors. First, using the simplest system with only two F-actins, we showed that motors with ACPs between them cannot add up their forces to generate a larger force (Fig. 2). Then, we probed the force generation process in disorganized bundles with different thickness and found that the efficiency of force generation was lower in thicker bundles although the bundle-level force was higher (Fig. 3). This was attributed to an increase in the number of motors in thicker bundles. We then found that a larger force was developed in the same bundle in a less efficient way when there were a larger number of motors (Fig. 4). When motors were sparsely distributed without an overlap between them, the efficiency of force generation was inversely proportional to the number of motors (i.e., η ∝ 1/NM). As the number of motors further increased, motors started cooperatively overlapping with each other, forming stronger contractile units. Thus, the efficiency became greater than 1/NM. We also tested the effects of motor distribution on force generation to verify the importance of cooperative overlaps (Fig. 5). As motors were distributed in a more confined region, bundles generated larger forces because there could be more cooperative overlaps between more densely distributed motors. We also found that force generation was enhanced and more efficient when motors were longer with more arms because forces generated by the arms of one motor can simply add up (Fig. 6). In addition, longer motors with a long bare zone and a few arms could generate large forces in bundles than longer motors with a small bare zone and large spacing between arms since the former can achieve the cooperative overlap by a much smaller overlap (Fig. 6). Our results imply that the consideration of F-actin connectivity may not be enough to accurately predict force generation unlike predictions from a recent study [46].

Our findings can be applied to understand the structures of stress fibers that are known to mediate physiological processes, such as cell protrusion, cytokinesis, and cell shape maintenance [47, 48]. In stress fibers, non-muscle myosin II plays a main role in generating contractile forces. There are two types of contractile stress fibers: transverse arcs and ventral stress fibers [49]. Ventral stress fibers, which are assembled from pre-existing stress fiber precursors, have a sarcomere-like structure with cascaded (i.e., serially connected) contractile units divided by α-actinin which is one type of ACPs. By contrast, transverse arcs are smaller without distinct repeated structures with much fewer ACPs [49]. ACPs in ventral stress fibers can counterbalance forces generated by motors as shown in Fig. 2. The structure with cascaded units and many ACPs prevents the bundle-generated force from increasing beyond a force generated by a single contractile unit. Therefore, it is expected that ventral stress fibers would generate smaller forces than transverse arcs if their thickness is similar. However, the bundle-generated force would be proportional to the thickness of bundles as shown in Fig. 3. Thus, ventral stress fibers, which are typically thicker, are known to generate larger tension than transverse arcs [50]. Although we focused on force generation, the contractile behaviors of actomyosin structures (i.e., a decrease in length) have also been of great interest. Our model can be used to study such contractile behaviors by deactivating the periodic boundary condition and removing connection between one end of bundle/network and a domain boundary as done previously [20]. To achieve higher contractile speed with the same total number of myosin heads, the existence of multiple contractile units would be better as suggested in a previous work [4]. This means that there is a trade-off between force generation and contractile speed. Previous studies also showed that the contractile speed of networks is proportional to motor density [18, 43, 51]. We may be able to use our model to systematically investigate how the contractile speed is regulated by parameters that we tested in this study, including the number, distribution, length, and structure of motors.

In conclusion, we probed how the force generation process in disorganized bundles and networks are regulated by the properties of myosin thick filaments. We found that more motors enable bundles and networks to generate larger tensile forces, but the efficiency of force generation was lower. With the same number of motors, forces generated by bundles and networks can vary to a large extent, depending on i) whether they are sparsely or densely distributed, ii) how many myosin heads each thick filament has, and iii) how long the bare zone at the center is. Our results can be partly verified using different myosin isoforms under different conditions as done in the previous study [4]. In addition, synthetic myosin thick filaments (i.e., one made with DNA origami [52]) whose structure can be designed artificially could be used to verify our findings.


We gratefully acknowledge the support from EMBRIO Institute, contract #2120200, a National Science Foundation (NSF) Biology Integration Institute and the support from JST SPRING (JPMJSP2138 to SDi), JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) KAKENHI (21H03796 to SDe).

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