Reduced transmission at PC-DCN synapses by GPR55
(A) Image of patch-clamp recordings from a DCN neuron in slice. A magnified image of the recorded neuron is shown as inset (patch pipette is indicated in blue). A pipette for electrical stimulation (magenta) was placed at the white matter. (B, C) Individual (gray) and averaged (black) traces (B), amplitudes (C, left, open and filled squares) and CV (C, right) of eIPSCs before and after application of AM251 in slices (n = 6). Open circles connected by lines represent individual cells. (D) Image of dual whole-cell recordings from a presynaptic EGFP-labeled PC soma and its postsynaptic target neuron in cerebellar culture. (E-J) Representative traces (E, G, I), amplitude and CV (F, H, J) of eIPSCs at a postsynaptic cell before and after application of AM251 (E, F, n = 6), LPI (G, H, n = 5), or AM251 in the presence of CID (I, J, n = 5). In E, presynaptic Na+ and the following K+ currents (INa+, IK+) at a presynaptic PC soma are also shown. (K) Image of mIPSC recordings from a neuron innervated by lots of EGFP-positive PC boutons in culture. (L, M) Representative traces (L), amplitude and frequency (M) of mIPSCs before and after the AM251 application. n = 5 cells. Data are mean ± SEM. * p < 0.05; n.s., not significant.