3D11 inhibits sporozoite invasion and development in vitro.
(A) Experimental setup to measure the impact of 3D11 on sporozoite invasion and EEF development in HepG2 cells. Each experiment was performed in triplicates in the presence or absence of different concentrations of 3D11. Two identical plates were prepared to assess invasion at 2 h and development at 15 and 44h post-infection. Cells, as well as the supernatant, were analyzed by flow cytometry (B). Inhibition of HepG2 invasion by sporozoites was measured 2 h after parasites were added to the culture in the presence of 3D11 (blue square). In the same assay, sporozoite viability was quantified as the percentage of viable sporozoites after 2h relative to the control (yellow triangle). (C) In addition to the invasion assay, development inhibition was quantified at 15 (pink inverted triangle) and 44h (blue rhombus) after sporozoite addition to the cells. (D) Comparison between the percentage of infected HepG2 cells at 44 and 2 h. (E) Mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of EEFs 44h post-infection. (B-E). Data were combined from 3-4 independent experiments. Bars represent the mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). (F) Left: Representative images of intracellular parasites after being treated with 1.25 µg/ml 3D11. For treated parasites: 2, 15 and 44h after sporozoite and 3D11 addition, the cultures were washed, fixed and permeabilized, allowing the internalized 3D11 to be revealed using a goat anti-mouse 647 antibody (cyan). Right: Control parasites were labeled post-permeabilization with 3D11 to visualize CSP expression (green). Scale bar 10 µm. (G) The effect of 3D11 after sporozoite invasion was measured by adding 3D11 2 h after sporozoites were added to the culture (purple triangle, 2h). 3D11 was added simultaneously with the sporozoites for 2 h in the positive control group (green circle, 0h). Symbols represent two independent experiments, each with two technical replicates. Schematic created using Biorender.com.