| Population averaged movie-tuning varies across brain areas.
(a) Stack plot of all the movie-fields detected from all tuned neurons of a brain region. Color indicates relative firing rate, normalized by the maximum firing rate in that movie-field. The movie-fields were sorted according to the frame with the maximal response. Note accumulation of fields in certain parts of the movie, especially in subiculum and AM-PM. (b) Similar to (a), but using only a single, tallest movie-field peak from each neuron showing a similar pattern, with pronounced overrepresentation of some portions of the movie in most brain areas. Each neuron’s response was normalized by its maximum firing rate. The average firing rate of non-peak frames, which was inversely related to the depth of modulation, was smallest (0.35x of the average peak response across all neurons) for V1, followed by AM-PM 0.37, leading to blue shades. Average non-peak responses were higher for other regions (0.57x the peak for LGN, CA3-0.61, DG-0.62, CA1-0.64 and SUB-0.76), leading to warmer off-diagonal colors. (c) Multiple single unit activity (MSUA) in a given brain region, obtained as the average response across all tuned cells, by using maxima-normalized response for each cell from (b). Gray lines indicate mean±4*std response from the shuffle data corresponding to p=0.025 after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (see Methods). AM-PM had the largest MSUA modulation (sparsity=0.01) and CA1 had the smallest (sparsity=1.8×10-4). The MSUA modulation across several brain region pairs –AM&PM-DG, V1-CA3, DG-CA3, CA3-CA1 and CA1-SUB were not significantly correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient p>0.05). Some brain region pairs, DG-LGN, DG-V1, AM&PM-CA3, LGN-CA1, V1-CA1, DG-SUB and CA3-SUB, were significantly negatively correlated (r<-0.18, p<4.0×10-7). All other brain region pairs were significantly positively correlated (r>0.07, p<0.03). (d) Number of frames for which the observed MSUA deviates from the z=±4 range from (c), termed significant deviation. V1 and AM-PM had the largest positive deviant frames (289), and CA3 had the least (zero). Unlike CA3, the low number of deviant frames for LGN could not be explained by sample size, because there were more tuned cells in LGN than SUB. (e) Firing in deviant frames above (or below) chance level, as a percentage of the average response. Above chance level deviation was greater or equal to that below, for all brain regions, with the largest positive deviation in AM-PM (9.3%), largest negative deviation in V1 (6.0%), and least in CA3 (zero each). (f) Total firing rate response of visual regions across tuned neurons. All regions had significant negative correlation (r<-0.39, p<3.4×10-34) between the ensemble response and the frame-to-frame (F2F) image correlation (gray line, y-axis on the left) across movie frames. (g) Similar to (f), for hippocampal regions. CA3 response were not significantly correlated with the frame-to-frame correlation, dentate gyrus (r=0.26, p=4.0×10-15) and CA1 (r=0.21, p=1.5×10-10) responses were positively correlated, and subiculum response was negatively correlated (r=-0.44, p=2.2×10-43). Note the substantially higher mean firing rates of LGN in (f) and subiculum neurons in (g) (colored lines closer to the top) compared to other brain areas.