Analysis of GyrA, GyrB and heterodimers preparations. a. Blue-Native PAGE of our GyrB, GyrA and wild-type heterodimer preparation. The bands constituted by GyrB monomers, GyrA dimers and heterodimers are indicated and were visualized by silver staining. The migration pattern was ascertained by comparison to a native marker and is consistent with mass photometry profiles below. b. Mass Photometry profile of the GyrA preparation. The histogram shows the counts of collisions events plotted against the scattering intensity, which is proportional to the MW and is calibrated against urease; the abscissa shows the molecular mass in kDa. The instrument fits the observed peaks to gaussian curves (continuous black lines) and the mean (MW) and deviation (σ) of the fitted curves are indicated on top of the peak, alongside the total count for the peak and the percentage of counts assigned to the peak with respect to the total number of fitted events. b. Mass Photometry profile of our wild-type heterodimer preparation, as above. Note that the lower the peak count, the higher the deviation. We detect a main peak at approximately the expected size for a heterodimer. c. Superimposition of the two profiles (GyrA dimer in blue and heterodimer in orange) showing the difference in mass between the heterodimer and the GyrA dimer. The two profiles were collected the same day, in the same buffer and with the same calibration.