Effect of inclusion current thresholds on the estimation of EPSC waveforms
Different current thresholds, that determined which parts of the recording were included in the regression analysis, were applied to the patch-clamp current traces. The threshold values were multiples of the standard deviation of the respective current trace. Specifically, for each recording, 6 threshold values were evaluated: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 10 10 s.d. of the current trace.
(A) The determined current thresholds across experiments.
(B) We used the EPSCs determined by our STA method, which was performed without any inclusion criteria involving current thresholds, as ground-truth EPSCs. To these ground-truth EPSCs we compared the regression-EPSC estimates that were determined using the different current thresholds. Specifically, for each paired recording, we calculated for each common synaptic input the ratio of the EPSC amplitudes determined by the regression and STA method. The mean of these ratios was calculated for each postsynaptic cell, which is summarized here.
(C) Largest EPSC amplitude for each cell.
(D) Difference between current threshold and largest EPSC amplitude. In all panels, box plots indicate median and interquartile ranges, and whiskers the minimum/maximum values (no outliers). Some extreme whiskers in (A) and (D) were trimmed for better data visibility. [14 cells in (A-D); 9 patched cells in (B), where recordings were only included if at least three common inputs were identified by using the two methods.]
Compared to the EPSC amplitudes determined by the STA method, the different current thresholds had only a small effect on the EPSC amplitudes that were determined by the regression-based method (B). Moreover, the maximum EPSC amplitude that was identified showed little dependence on the current threshold (C). These findings suggested that synaptic inputs exhibited sufficient activity – i.e., for a reliable EPSC estimation – during periods that were selected by even the smallest current thresholds. Moreover, the current threshold values were well above the maximum EPSC amplitudes as confirmed in (D). We chose a threshold of 30 s.d. of the current trace, which resulted in a median current threshold of approximately 200 pA, with sufficient distance to the maximum EPSC amplitude, while also keeping computational costs within a feasible range.