Chr2-3M and PsCatCh2.0 acidify neurons less than CheRiff.
A) Genetic constructs for simultaneous optogenetic stimulation and pH imaging. B) Experimental paradigm for measuring pH responses to optogenetic stimulation. Stimulation (blue) and measurement (yellow) are interleaved for 60 s to avoid optical crosstalk. C) Images of cultured neurons showing (top) GFP or YFP fluorescence, a marker for Channelrhodopsin expression, (bottom) DF/F in the pHoran4 channel after the protocol shown in (B). (left) CheRiff-GFP, (middle) ChR2-3M-YFP, (right) PsCatCh2.0. Scale bars xx mm. D) Time-course of pH dynamics in cultured neurons. Cells expressing ChR2-3M and PsCatCh2.0 acidify less than CheRiff. E) Neurons expressing ChR2-3M, pH = 7.13 ± 0.19 (mean ± S.D., n = 31 cells), and PsCatCh2.0, pH = 7.14 ± 0.11 (mean ± S.D., n = 25 cells) had significantly less acidification (p = 2.5e-4, p = 4e-5, respectively, Wilcoxon signed-rank test) than CheRiff-expressing neurons, pH of 6.87 ± 0.27 (mean ± S.D., n = 24 cells). F) Genetic constructs for simultaneous optogenetic stimulation and Voltage imaging. G) Experimental paradigm for measuring voltage responses to optogenetic stimulation. Stimulation (blue) and measurement (red). H) Time-course of optogenetically activated spiking in cultured neuron expressing (top) CheRiff, (middle) ChR2-3M, or (bottom) PsCatCh2.0.