DG-CA3 loop introduces directionality of theta sequences. (A) Illustration of synaptic connections from CA3 place cells to DG and vice versa. DG layer mirrors the place cell population in CA3 and redirects the CA3 inputs back to different locations. Here, DG cells project into CA3 place cells with fields 4 cm displaced to the right of the pre-synaptic CA3 cells. θDG denotes the angular difference between the DG projection direction and the animal’s movement direction. (B) Spike raster plots sorted by cell indices along the trajectory (2 s duration) from x=-20cm to x=20cm. Cells with best and worst angles are marked by red and blue colors, respectively. (C) Phase-position plots as is Figure 2E. (D) Distributions of precession slopes, onsets and spike phases as in Figure 2G-H. (E-H) Same as A-D, but with DG cells projecting opposite to the animal’s movement direction (θDG = 180°). In F, cyan and yellow shaded regions indicate the examples of forward sequence induced by the movement (extrinsic), and backward sequence induced by the DG recurrence (intrinsic), respectively. (I) Average spike correlations for θDG = 0° and θDG = 180° for pairs separated by 4cm along the trajectory. Note that for θDG = 180°, there is a relative excess of spike-pairs with positive lags. (J) Left: Intrinsicity and extrinsicity (see Methods) for all pairs from the populations with best (red) and worst (blue) direction. Pair correlations above and below the identity line are classified as intrinsic and extrinsic, respectively. Numbers are the ratios of extrinsically to intrinsically correlated field pairs. Note that the red best direction pairs are more extrinsic than the blue worst direction pairs due to higher sensory input. Middle: Ex/Intrinsicity of pairs with similar (< 30°) and dissimilar (> 150°) preferred heading angles. Pairs with similar preferred heading angles are more intrinsic due to stronger DG-CA3 recurrence. Right: Cumulative distribution of the differences between extrinsicity and intrinsicity. Dissimilar and best direction pairs have higher bias to extrinsicity than similar and worst direction pairs, respectively.