Slc6a17 Expression in the Mouse Brain.
(A) A schematic diagram illustrating the strategy for the generation of Slc6a17-2A-CreERT2 mice. Crossing of Slc6a17-2A-CreERT2 mice with Ai14 (LSL-tdTomato) mice allowed specific labeling of Slc6a17-expressing neuron after tamoxifen injection. More details in Figure S1A. (B-I) Representative coronal sections of Slc6a17-2A-CreERT2::Ai14 mice. Numbers above images indicate the anteroposterior position of the section from Bregma in millimeters (mm), based on(Paxinos and Franklin, 2019). Scale bars=1 mm. (J) Slc6a17-positive neurons in the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus (BLA) and the central amygdaloid nucleus (CeA). Scale bars=100 μ. (K) Hippocampal expression of Slc6a17. Slc6a17-positive neurons are densely distributed in the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus (GrDG), and CA3, with little expression in the CA1 and the CA2. Scale bars=200 μm.
Abbreviations: 2Cb, lobule 2 of the cerebellar vermis; 3Cb, lobule 3 of the cerebellar vermis; 4/5Cb, lobule 4 and 5 of the cerebellar vermis; AON, accessory olfactory nucleus; AM, anteromedial thalamic nucleus; AV, anteroventral thalamic nucleus; BLA, basolateral amygdaloid nucleus; Ent, entorhinal cortex; CB, cerebellum; Cg1/2, cingulate ccortex; CIC, central nucleus of the inferior colliculus; Ctx, cortex; Hip, hippocampus; LO, lateral orbital cortex; LS, lateral septal nucleus; M1, primary motor cortex; M2, secondary motor cortex; OB, main olfactory bulb; Pir, piriform cortex; Pn, pontine nuclei; Rt, reticular thalamic nucleus; S1, primary somatosensory cortex; S2, secondary somatosensory cortex; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus; SFO, subfornical organ; SuG, superficial gray layer of superior colliculus; Sim, simple lobule; Th, thalamus; V1, primary visual cortex; V2, secondary visual cortex; VPM, ventral posteromedial nucleus.