Inferring the transcriptomes of cell states throughout specification in the C. elegans embryo.
a, tSNE clusters of cells from 15-cell stage embryos, shown in terms of their embryo of origin (top), cell clustering (middle) and inferred cell identity (bottom). b, Gene expression for the indicated genes across the assigned cell states of the 28-cell stage. Rows correspond to genes and each bar within a cell state indicates the expression level of a sample. Black boxes indicate differential gene expression. Colors in the bottom row indicate the embryo of origin. c, Double single-molecule RNA in situ hybridization showing spatial identity of F19F10.1 expressing nuclei (yellow). The positions of all nuclei are shown with DAPI-staining (blue), and the embryos were oriented with the posterior landmark gene pal-1 (purple) (Hunter and Kenyon, 1996). Cell identities were manually annotated based on previous descriptions (Table S4). d, Average expression of cluster identity genes through the first 8 cell-divisions of embryonic development. Each bar represents the inferred transcriptome of a cell state and shows the standardized expression for the indicated genes, using the same color bar as in b. Equivalent transcriptomes derived from sister cells are indicated by blue circles. Lineage symmetry gives rise to left/right equivalence groups indicated with black boxes. e, Expression of ceh-43 according to lineage of the inferred transcriptomes (top) and a transcriptional reporter strain (bottom), where highest expression is shown in red and no detected expression is black (see also Fig. S4).