The conflict similarity modulation on performance of Experiment 1 (A, B, D and E) and Experiment 2 (C and F), respectively. A and D are scatter plots of CSE [i.e., (CI−CC) − (II−IC)] for RT and ER as a function of the cosine similarity, respectively. In B, C, E and F, the cosine similarity and RT / ER are normalized across conflict similarity levels within each of the four CSE conditions (i.e., CC, II, CI and IC). Conflict similarity for CC and II conditions are reversed (multiplied by −1), such that for all the four CSE conditions, higher conflict similarity is expected to be associated with worse performance (see Behavioral analysis in Methods). Each dot represents a subject. The thin colored lines in B, C, E and F are the fitted lines for each of the four CSE conditions, and the thick black lines are the fitted lines collapsing across all CSE conditions. For panel C and F some similarity levels are missing because of the limited trial numbers in the experimental design in Experiment 2. CSE = congruency sequence effect; RT = reaction time; ER = error rate; CI = congruent (trial n−1)-incongruent (trial n); IC = incongruent-congruent; CC = congruent-congruent; II = incongruent-incongruent.