More remapping from Turn Right 1 to Turn Right 1 in One-Maze Mice than in Two-Maze Mice
A, Spatial calcium event likelihood maps showing activity from a large number of cells, pooled across animals from each group, from example days 3 and day 8. Each row in a plot is the activity from a single cell, normalized to its own maximum. Rate maps were sorted by maze arm with maximum firing likelihood and center-of-mass of firing within each arm. Rates are normalized to activity on day 3; maps from day 8 are the same cells in the same sort order as on day 3. B, Left, histograms for rho values of correlations of single neuron calcium event likelihood maps across all days pairs from Turn Right 1 to Turn Right 2. Top, One-Maze, bottom, Two-Maze. Right, cumulative density plot of same rho values. C, Same as B, but for the absolute proportion change of the mean within-arm calcium event likelihood. D, Same as B, but for the absolute value of the within-arm shift of the calcium event center-of-mass. E, Same as B, but for the change in the modulation index score. F, Population vector correlations, averaged across all mice in One-Maze (left) and Two-Maze (right) groups. G, Average population vector correlation using activity from within a day, comparing each spatial bin to each other bin; same bin comparisons are set to zero to aid visualization. H, Absolute value of differences in within-day bin-to-bin population correlations from G. I, Cumulative proportion of correlation differences from H. J, Difference of correlation change in each bin pair between One-Maze and Two-Maze activity; blue indicates greater difference from Turn Right 1 to Turn Right 1 in the One-Maze group, red indicates greater difference in the Two-Maze group. Bin-pairs that have an individually significant (p<0.05) difference between groups of animals are indicated with green or purple * for greater difference respectively in One-Maze or Two-Maze groups. *p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *p<0.001