Cdu1 associates with InaC, IpaM, and CTL0480.
(A) Co-localization of Cdu1(magenta) with endogenous InaC (green), IpaM (green), and ectopically expressed CTL0480-Flag (green) at the L2 inclusion membrane during infection of HeLa cells at 24 hpi. HeLa cells infected with an inaC null strain (M407), an ipaM null strain (ipaM::GII), and L2 pBOMB were used as antibody specificity controls. DNA stained with Hoechst is shown in blue. Scale bar: 10μm. Images are representative of multiple images captured across three independent replicates. (B) Line scan profiles of fluorescent signal intensities displayed in (A) showing co-localization of fluorescence intensities for endogenous Cdu1 with endogenous InaC, and IpaM and with CTL0480-Flag along the L2 inclusion membrane. (C) Schematic of Cdu1-GFP(C) (L2) fusion (Cdu1-GFP) and Cdu1-GFP variants used in co-transfections of HEK 293 cells. GFP: Green fluorescent protein. TMD: Transmembrane domain. PRD: Proline rich domain. CD: Catalytic domain. FL: Full length. TMD-: Cdu1-GFP variant lacking TMD domain. CD-: Cdu1-GFP variant lacking CD domain. (D-G) Western blot analysis of GFP immunoprecipitates from HEK 293 cells co-transfected with mammalian plasmids expressing: Cdu1-GFP variants and (D) truncated 3XFlag(N)-InaC (D/UW-3/CX CT813, amino acids 96-264), (E) V5(N)-IpaM (L2, full length), (F) V5(N)-CTL0480 (L2, full length), and (G) V5(N)-CpoS (L2, full length). Vec1: Empty pOPINN-GFP vector. Vec2: Empty pDEST53 vector. Vec3: Empty pcDNATM3.1/nV5-DEST vector. Western blot images are representative from two independent experiments.