Self-buckling experiments and statistics.
a, Snapshots of K. animale, before and after hitting the obstacle at t = 0. Left, short filament with L < Lc, right, long filament with L > Lc. b, c, Bar plot of the buckling frequency vs. filament length for O. lutea (b, totally N = 388 events) and K. animale (c, totally N = 280 events), together with the logistic regression (dashed curve). d, Box plot of the quantiles of the critical length distribution from the logistic regression p(L). Box limits denote first and third quartile, whiskers the 5th and 95th percentile. e, f, Velocity υ0 immediately before hitting the obstacle vs. filament length L for O. lutea and K. animale, respectively, distinguishing buckling (∼, dark) and non-buckling (−, light). The velocity-dependent median critical length Lc(υ0), as derived from a logistic regression with L and υ0 as independent explanatory variables, is indicated by black lines. Note that axes in b, c, e, f are broken around L = 2 Lc to emphasize the critical region. g, Lc(υ0) (lines) and inter-quartile region (shaded), together with the simple logistic regression from (d), located at the mean velocity υ0 of the population (symbols & error bars).