Analysis of the helicase activities and chemoresistance exhibited by the N-C linkers.
(A) Representative autoradiograph of the DNA unwinding reaction conducted using a 32P-labeled ssDNA oligo annealed to the M13mp18 as DNA substrate in the presence or absence of HROB with purified MCM8/9, MCM8 N-C linker mutant (MCM8 Δ369-377) or MCM9 N-C linker mutant (MCM9Δ283-287), either alone or in combination. D-boiled DNA substrate control. (B) Graphical representation of the percentage of DNA unwinding in reactions conducted as in (A). The mean±SD of three independent experiments is presented. Statistical analysis was conducted using one-way ANOVA (****p<0.0001). (C) Western blot to detect MCM8 in DT40 control cells or in an MCM8 KO clone reconstituted with MCM8 WT or MCM8_Δ369-377 mutant. Actin is shown as a loading control. C, control cells; Δ369-377, MCM8_Δ369-377. (D) Survival analysis in DT40 control cell, MCM8 KO cell or cells reconstituted with MCM8 WT or MCM8 N-C linker mutant upon treatment with cisplatin. Cell survival is expressed as a percentage of an untreated control. The mean±SD of three independent experiments is presented. Statistical analysis was conducted on data points at four distinct cisplatin concentrations (200, 400, 600, 800 nM) using Student’s t-test (****p<0.0001, at all four concentrations analyzed). (E) Detection by western blot of MCM9 in DT40 control cells or in an MCM9 KO clone reconstituted with MCM9 WT or MCM9_Δ283-287 mutant. Actin is shown as a loading control. C, control cells; Δ283-287, MCM9_Δ283-287. (F) Survival analysis in DT40 control cell, MCM9 KO cell or cells reconstituted with MCM9 WT or MCM9 N-C linker mutant upon treatment with cisplatin. Cell survival is represented as in (D) and statistical analysis was conducted as in (D) (****p<0.0001, at all four concentrations analyzed).