The expression and relationship of ZEB2 and ACSL4 in breast cancer. A, Heat maps of the 38 up-regulated EMT-related genes detected by RNA-seq analysis in the paclitaxel-resistant MCF-7 cell line (TAXOL) and Epirubicin-resistant MCF-7 cell line (EPI) compared to wild-type MCF-7 cell line. B, The correlation between ACSL4 and ZEB2 mRNA expression in the TCGA cohort consisting of 1222 breast cancer patient samples. Spearman correlation and linear regression analysis were employed. C, The correlation between ACSL4 and ERɑ mRNA expression in the TCGA cohort consisting of 666 breast cancer patient samples. Spearman correlation and linear regression analysis were employed. D, PPS (post-progression survival) was examined by Kaplan–Meier analysis to compare the survival rates in ACSL high and low expression of breast cancer patients. E, PPS (post-progression survival) was examined by Kaplan–Meier analysis to compare the survival rates in ZEB2 high and low expression of breast cancer patients. F, Expression of ACSL4 and ZEB2 were analyzed by western blot in a panel of 5 breast cancer cell lines, including two basal-like, two luminal and one taxol-resistant cell. G, Expression of ACSL4 and ZEB2 were analyzed by western blot in a panel of nine cases of tumour samples, including 5 cases of luminal (Patient 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and 4 cases of triple-negative breast cancer (Patient 6, 7, 8, 9). H, Scatter plot with linear regression analysis from expression level of G. I, HE staining and IHC analysis of ACSL4, ZEB2, ERɑ expression in representative basal-like and luminal subtype breast cancer tissues. Representative pictures were shown. Scale bar, 50 μm.