bmm regulates germline lipid droplets in a cell-autonomous manner.
(A–B) Single confocal slices through a representative testis isolated from an individual carrying clones induced using the FLP-FRT system at 3 days post-clone induction. Clones are homozygous for an allele that encodes a functional bmm protein product (bmmrev; A–A’’’) or a loss-of-function bmm allele (bmm1, B–B’’’). GFP negative areas mark homozygous clones in panel A and B; the boxed areas in A, A’’ and B, B’’ are shown in A’, A’’’ and B’, B’’’, respectively. In homozygous bmmrev spermatocyte clones we detected no LD using neutral lipid dye LipidTox (A’’ and A’’’). In contrast, spermatocyte clones homozygous for bmm1 have detectable LD (B’’ and B’’’, arrows). Scale bars=50 μm in A,A’’ and B,B’’; scale bars=10 μm in A’,A’’’ and B’,B’’’. (C) Number of testis LD in bmmrev (grey) or bmm1 (orange) in FLP-FRT clones 3 days post-clone induction; dots represent measurements from a single clone. The number of cells in each cyst (CC) counted is indicated. There were significantly more LD in bmm1 spermatocyte (SC) clones (p = 0.026; Welch two-sample t-test) but not at other stages of development.