Synthetic dendritic morphologies: Analysis of optimal wiring principles.
(a) Schematic of synaptic wiring principles: random (top), minimal length (middle), and minimal delay (bottom) for a set of synapses. (b) The convex hull of all synapses connected to a dendrite with the proportionality of minimal wiring length (bottom). (c) Total tree length as a function of convex hull area in the minimal wiring length, simulated and random scenario. Each dot corresponds to one of 288 dendrites from 32 simulations. Lines correspond to analytic predictions for the average density across all simulations. (d) Total tree length against the number of branch points in log scale, both for data and theoretical minimum. Data extracted from (Cuntz et al., 2012). (e) Total tree length in the data (black, average of n=13,112), our simulations (blue, average of 288 dendrites from 32 simulations), and the random baseline (green, analytically computed) relative to the theoretical minimum (pink, analytically computed). (f) Model parameter bf vs. error (comparing total length, number of terminals and surface area, with corresponding synthetic trees (straight black line; optimal bf = 0.9250). (g-h) Scaling behaviour of the square root of number of synapses against total length (g, R2 = 0.65) and square root of surface area against total length(h, R2 = 0.73) showing the relationships expected from the optimal wire equations. The black line shows the best MST bf fit scaling behaviour (see Methods). In both panels, each dot represents one synthetic tree (n=288). Lines were fit using linear regression.